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Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, oh, hang on a minute, no I won't, rather than assaulting your eardrums, I'll tell you all about a talented New York based actress and singer songwriter called Tatyana Kalko.

She has a few songs ready for you to hear, in the meantime, we decided to put her through the interrogation, I mean interview process, here's how it went….


Last time you used public transport and where did you go?  I just used a bus and a subway to get home. I had to take a weird route because the trains were not running at all. 

Last time you felt proud?  Pride is my biggest sin, but I legitimately felt proud of my personal growth when I admitted having feelings for a friend without asking for anything in return.

What classic song do you wish you recorded and why?  Maybe a rock song by The Rolling Stones or Aerosmith but I'd want to do it with a band. I just love how free spirited and emotional their songs are.

Last movie you saw?  "Heartlands", a British indie film with Michael Sheen. I'm obsessed with him. 

Last book you read?  I can't remember the last book I finished because I'm reading like five at a time, including "Anna Karenina" and "The Power of Now". 

What did you dream about last night?  I stopped paying attention to my dreams completely. It was probably about a relationship. I guess I'm suppressing my unconscious mind.  

Last time you cried?  My friend from Philly visited me for the weekend. I was really sad when he left. It's complicated.

Biggest musical influence?  The Beatles

Best gig you ever played?  I had a great night at The Vagabond Cafe in the West Village (now called Tokyo Tapas). A room full of my friends, unexpected walk-ins and an intimate atmosphere.

Best band/artist of 2013?  James Blake!

Last time you had a fight?  Oh! I was home for the holidays and my parents and I got into a heated argument about gay marriage. Parents just don't understand. 

Best advice you ever received and who was it from?  Today I got amazing advice out of the blue from the doorman in the building I wish I lived in (I just babysit). He saw me with my guitar and said "Don't get complacent. Keep moving forward."  

Largest amount spent in a single purchase? (excluding houses)  A pretty costly marketing workshop for actors with Dallas Traverse. It was worth it though. 

We then upped the ante somewhat and threw some quickfire questions at her to really mess with her head…


Regular or decaff?  Regular, once in a while

Coke or Pepsi?  Sorry, just water.

Mac or PC?  I'm a Mac newbie. Just figured out the right mouse click.

Holidays - Hot or Cold?  Does that mean I have to pick between Christmas and Independence Day? Cold.

Big Mac or Whopper?  I'm such a food snob when it comes to fast food. Neither!

CD or Vinyl?  Vinyl, but I need a good player. 

Car or Motorbike?  I don't drive.

Cat or Dog?  Dogs are nice.

Acoustic or Electric? (Guitar)  Acoustic for now.

Angelina or Jennifer?  This is like the hardest question! Jennifer?

Full English Breakfast (bacon/eggs/mushrooms/toast etc) or Cereal?  The full enchilada 

Starbucks or Costa?  Costa? Never heard of it. 


So there you have it, a fast food avoiding, water drinking, dog loving fan of Jennifer Aniston, what more could you ask for in a woman….and she sings and acts too, form an orderly queue guys!


Here are the tracks she is offering on Soundcloud, I am sure that more will follow shortly….

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