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ALICE JEMIMA dropped by for a chat ahead of her appearance at RADIO 1'S BIG WEEKEND....



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Alice Jemima is a Devon based singer songwriter and Producer who has a knack of creating amazing songs with stunning beats. We've seen her perform a number of times but thought it would be good to catch up with her ahead of her performance at the Radio 1 Big Weekend event, here's how we got on....



You’re playing the BBC Introducing stage at Radio 1’s Big Weekend on Sunday 29th May, how did you feel when you heard?

Very excited! Although I had to keep it quiet for a while, which wasn't easy as lots of my friends were talking about it! 



How did it all come about?

James Santer at BBC Introducing Devon has been amazingly supportive over the past few years, and he put me forward to play (thank you James!)



How has BBC Introducing helped you as an artist/performer? 

It's helped me massively. Before BBC Introducing started a show in Devon I was supported by the guys at BBC Introducing in Bristol, so I’ve had their joint support for the past 6 years… they'd put on gigs and invite me to play, my tracks were played on BBC radio, I also did a couple radio interviews with them which helped me grow in confidence and also opened doors to other things.



I see that your cover version of Blackstreet’s ‘No Diggity’ has racked up nearly 3 million listens on Soundcloud, pretty impressive, do you still play this live?

So cool!! Yes I still play it live, it's a track I love to sing. Recently I got a band and we've been playing a version with just keys and vocals, which is pretty chilled. 



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Your music is really beautiful, especially the lead track from your new ‘Liquorice’ EP that is out on June 17th, how do you approach the songwriting process? 

Thanks! I tend to pick up a guitar and play what comes into my head, but more recently I've also been creating beat tracks and writing over those.



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Who are you MOST excited about seeing at the R1BW this year?

I'd LOVE to see Flume, but sadly we're playing on different days so if that's not possible I'll definitely be seeing Jack Garrett



What advice would you give to an artist or band who is thinking of getting in touch with BBC Introducing?

Get your tracks up on to the BBC Introducing uploader! I've been uploading my songs to it for years. Sometimes they get played, sometimes they don't - but you've nothing to lose. And if they love it.. Then yay!



And finally, please would you give us the name of another BBC Introducing act that everyone should be checking out? 

There's a lot of great music around at the moment, but if I can only give 1 it's Rosie Lowe - she's great, and also playing this years R1's Big Weekend.



We'd like to thank Alice Jemima for taking the time to chat to us, we wish her every success in the future and look forward to seeing her at the R1BW event in Exeter. Please spare a few minutes and check out her music, all the links are below, just point and click!


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Interview by Steve Muscutt