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At One With Nature: LARRY MINDEL'S New Single 'Okarito Way'

London-based artist Larry Mindel has returned with a magical new single 'Okarito Ways'. With echoes of jazz and folk combined, this is a real sonic treat, building on the formidable relationship he has with Italian producer Teo Galesi. Beyond that though, this song is a call-to-action appealing to the best instincts of every listener.

The magnificent yet jeopardised Ōkārito Lagoon in New Zealand is at risk. Over 90% of wetlands are threatened (or have already been destroyed) as a result of agriculture and urban expansion. This new single from Mindel delivers a message via music - do your bit to preserve natural landscapes; be they Okarito, or those closer to home. Globally, over 64% of wetlands have been lost. Wetlands peatlands store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests, yet they are disappearing 3 times faster. Indeed, the entire planet is in danger, and this song is a stark reminder of that.

Yet despite the seriousness of this issue, this song carries the message lightly and through a story of a day on the lagoon. It is a global collaboration realised in lockdown, with people of 6 nationalities contributing from London to New Zealand. Such a soothing and soulful blend of musical styles (think folk meets jazz), with the gentle warmth of Larry's voice for company! This is music to enjoy on its own terms, and it resonates in our hearts too.

Do watch watch the stunning, beautiful video for 'Okarito Ways' by Larry Mindel:

For all things Larry Mindel, head to

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