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The Marbles Jackson is a project led by Terry Kirkbride (voice, drums, guitar), who played with Noel Gallagher, Oasis and Woodbine (to name a couple) known as the drummer Terry and Naoko Takahashi (guitars, backing voice), when they decided to write music together in 2009. Joined by Simon Gwynne (keys, guitar) and Mikey Belfast Gibson (bass), the band is active as the four-piece since late 2011. Their airplays include BBC6 Music and various other radio stations in the UK, USA, New Zealand and Belgium.

We caught up with Terry and Naoko at a car boot sale just outside of Hackney, whilst a seller was debating on whether to let Terry have a slightly used bicycle pump for 50 pence, we asked him a few questions, here's how it went….


Name of band / act?  The Marbles Jackson

Location?  Hackney, London

Names of all members?  Terry Kirkbride, Naoko Takahashi, Simon Gwynne, Mikey Belfast Gibson

When did you form?  Formed as the four piece in Autumn 2011

Introduce yourself and your music in one sentence….  The Marbles Jackson is "... like The Velvet Underground & Nico having a late breakfast with Mazzy Star..." (Deadly Music) while Spiritualized watch on through the window - the dreamiest shoe-gazing Epic Hypnotic Alternative Pop group with gorgeous harmonies that make the rain shine, is how we’d describe our music but Matt Warren (The Record Stache) came up with a super subgenre combo, Chamber post rock alt country… what do you think?  

Last time you used public transport and where did you go?  I cycle…

What classic song do you wish you recorded and why?  'She Said' by the Beatles, the drumming is flawless.

Last movie you saw?  Zabriskie Point by Antonioni

Last book you read?  Morrissey’s Autobiography

Last time you cried?  While slicing onions for last night’s curry

Last time you were rude to someone and why?  I’m never rude to anyone…

What excites you?  Not much, mind you…

Biggest musical influence?  My grand mother, Kitty Malloy

Earliest childhood memory?  Dancing to T-rex on a black pvc puff

Best gig you ever played?  Café Oto

Best band/artist of 2013?  The Marbles Jackson, obviously!

Biggest act you have ever played with (supported or on the same bill as)?  Neil Young

Last time you had a fight?  On a flight to Palermo, a 9ft transvestite who looked like Herman Goering was being too loud and nasty to everyone, so he (she) needed putting down, I was scared shitless.

Tell me one of your guilty pleasures?  I have many pleasures and feel guilty about none of them.

Best advice you ever received and who was it from?  “Be careful down ‘that London’.” by me Mam.



The seller entered into a bidding war with Terry, he demanded 75 pence but Terry was sticking to his guns and went in low with a counter bid of 55 pence, whilst they were haggling, we asked Naoko some quick fire questions….

Coffee or Tea?  Tea

Coke or Pepsi?  Neither

Mac or PC?  Mac

Holidays/Vacations – Beach or ski-ing?  Forest

Meat or Vegetables?  Both

CD or Vinyl?  Vinyl

Car or Motorbike?  Bicycle

Cat or Dog?  Cats, cats, cats

Acoustic or Electric?  Both

Angelina or Jennifer?  Neither

Cooked Breakfast (bacon/eggs/mushrooms/toast etc) or Cereal?  Toasted seeded wholemeal bread with Marmite


Here are some nice things other people said about the band:


So there you go folks, a little more information about the band, before you go, please be sure to check out their other channels (all listed below for your convenience).


Social Media Channels


Twitter: @marblesjackson         






Forthcoming live dates/Shows

Please check their Facebook page for upcoming gigs as details are still to be confirmed.