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DANGER DANGER! We catch up with the ELECTRIC SIX frontman Dick Valentine ahead of The Great Estate Festival....

Ahead of The Great Estate Festival which takes place from 2-5 June 2022, we caught up with the frontman from Electric Six, a band that have bought us classics including ‘Gay Bar’ and ‘Danger! High Voltage’. We chatted about how they stayed sane during the lockdown, touring, festival survival and their latest album of cover versions. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, for your viewing pleasure, Mr Dick Valentine….

You’re finally out touring again after a two year hiatus, how does it feel knowing that you’ll soon be on the road staring at happy smiley faces every night at your shows?

We actually did quite a bit of touring in the second half of 2021.  It was a nice, we needed break to be off the road for a bit.  We definitely saw before Delta and Omicron came along the rooms were a bit more full. Actually now that I think about it, during Omicron in Britain at least, y’all came out anyway… one seemed to be bothered by any of it.  


How have you kept yourselves busy (and sane) over the past two years with no gigs?

The internet


You’re embarking on a huge tour across America in April, I’m assuming this is to enable the band to be properly warmed up for when they finally reach the UK in June?

Nah, we just take shows and play them as they come.  We don’t need to sound good to be awesome.


You’re from Michigan in the USA, have you ever been to Cornwall before (the home of The Great Estate Festival)? It’s a little bit different to what you might be used to…..What are you looking forward to the most when you pay us a visit?

Never been to Cornwall in 18 years of touring!  I’m looking forward to meeting some aging hippies.  Also….the sex!!!!!!!


We have lots of things for you to do before you take to the stage, you could go for a surf, have a pasty (traditional Cornish food made from pastry, meat and potato) or maybe indulge in a Cornish cream tea which involves scones and clotted cream….

Duly noted.


I read that you have a new album coming out soon titled ‘Streets of Gold’ which is a collection of cover versions that the band have put together, how did this work, did you all pitch in with a couple of tracks each?

Yes, that’s right!  Each member of the band picked two songs and we got to 12.  I think there are 12 songs on the album.


Which of the tracks on the album are you most excited about performing live?

We’re not playing anything from that record as the set is already full of absolute bangers!


I hope that you’ll be playing all of your classics when you perform at The Great Estate Festival?

We’ll be playing all of the classics for sure!

What can your British fans expect from your live show this Summer? Any surprises?

When you get to be our age, nothing surprises you no more….


Lastly, tell me your three top tips to surviving a music festival….

  1. Pace yourself

  2. Face yourself

  3. Don’t erase yourself

So there you have it folks, a whistle stop catch up with the one and only Dick Valentine who will be appearing on stage with the rest of ELECTRIC SIX at The Great Estate Festival on Sunday 5th June.

If you miss the festival, they will be back on UK soil in December for a 6 date ‘Born to be Ridiculed’ tour taking in Oxford, Sheffield, Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol and London. for more information and tickets, head to their socials.


