Swedish duo Gidge (consisting of Ludvig Stolterman and Jonatan Nilsson) will release their superb debut album, ‘Autumn Bells’, on 23rd September - the first day of Autumn - via Atomnation (Applescal/David Douglas/Weval).
Gidge gained a slew of praise for their recent singles ‘You’ and ‘I fell In Love’, with ‘I Fell In Love’ amassing over 120, 000 listens in a very short space of time. As Gidge ready their new album ‘Autumn Bells’ for release, you can stream the gorgeous new horn-driven opus ‘Norrland’ via the link below. From the horn sounding across the track's start, which was hand-made by Gidge out of birch bark, to the soothing falsetto vocals samples that break up the slow-building pace of the track at around the 3-minute mark before serene piano keys round of the track in fitting form. We hope you enjoy the new single and share using the embed code below.
Album Pre-order LINK
Largely influenced by their Nordic surroundings, the duo deliver a very detailed and emotive album with floating melodies, serene soundscapes, forest-recorded percussions and meditative pitched vocals - always building towards demure climaxes and long breaks, mimicking their natural surroundings perfectly. The beautifully stark piano keys blend with atmospheric sounds and consistent sub-bass-tones, making ‘Autumn Bells’ a very uplifting & luminous offering. The complex network of somber and enlightening feelings that the tracks evoke on ‘Autumn Bells’ give the record a unique and organic sound. Some tracks contain over 100 channels, just to give you an impression how divided & detailed, the tracks on ‘Autumn Bells’ are.
It is a dance lullaby that will help you to close your eyes, get lost, and dream - IndieShuffle
"You" is an impressively enticing first taste of what Gidge may be capable of on the debut LP - XLR8R
A glistening and heavenly immersion into the world of Gidge paired with high pitched vocals and massive bass - The 405
Spanning nine tracks, each with some tie to the forested Scandinavian countryside, the work demonstrates Gidge's methodic dedication to the craft and bridges the gap between earthly and otherworldly sounds - Earmilk
1. Fauna, Pt I
2. You
3. I Fell In Love
4. Rest
5. Dusk
6. Fauna, Pt II
7. Huldra
8. Growth
9. Norrland