KIRSTEN ADAMSON releases a video to accompany her new single 'NEW YORK GIRL'....
Obviously, most older readers will know her father, the much missed Stuart Adamson, through his work with first The Skids and then with the popular Big Country. Kirsten grew up, surrounded by music and this has also rubbed off on her brother Callum. Her first forays into music came when she provided some backing vocals for Big Country’s Driving To Damascus album (the band’s last to include Adamson before his tragic death). She explains that when she was young, whilst not following the band on tour, she did used to get to see them play locally and at the age of six she demanded singing lessons. In the latter years, she used to sing the Eddi Reader parts of Big Country’s Fragile Thing at places like Barrowlands and SECC.
Making her first steps in the industry she co-founded the band the Gillyflowers who co-incidentally ended up supporting the re-activated version of Big Country on some dates.
Finally she decided to strike out on her own and launched a KickStarter campaign which was successful enough for her to raise the funds for her debut solo album. The way the site works is that people are rewarded for their donations and anyone who donated £40 get a recording of Kirsten singing an acoustic cover of their choice. She admits that she had a lot of donations from family and friends but that the majority were from people she didn’t know and she received several messages from people who had been fans of her dad. Unsurprisingly, there were several requests for her to do Big Country songs which she found an enjoyable challenge.
Kirsten recently released her new single 'New York Girl', lifted from her eponymously titled current album, it’s just been made Single of the Week on Black Diamond FM. Check out the video below;
Kirsten’s music doesn’t sound like Big Country’s but she has clearly inherited her dad’s ear for a melody and we are sure that somewhere he’s sitting proudly watching “his little girl” progress.
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