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Momotaro are a Brighton based 3 piece electronica band who recently released their debut album 'Second Side'.

We met up with the trio at The Grand Hotel on Brighton's famous promenade for 'High Tea', the sandwiches had just arrived and prior to tucking in, we asked them some questions, here's how it went....


Please introduce the band and your music in one sentence....

Hi, our names are Peppi, Rosie and Dave and we are a live electronica trio from Brighton.


You’re called Momotaro how did you come about choosing this name?

Randomly looking on Google we came across Momotaro. We love the sound of the word, and it also happens to have a really cool story behind it.  


How did you all meet?

Peppi and Dave met at music college (Access to Music) a few years back, after making tunes in the studio for a few years they decided to form a live band and met Rosie through mutual friends. After that it just flowed and they started jamming and recording straight away in 2012.


‘Second Side’ the name of your debut album, which is available to buy now, which studio did you record at and why there?

We record everything at home in our own very modest studio.


Who designed the artwork for your Album cover?

Our very own Rosie.


Mono and Warm Step are favourite tracks of mine, is there a story behind the songs?

Mono was originally inspired by a book called ‘We’, but took on it’s own meaning after a while. Warm step is essentially about enjoying music when you’re in a certain…. state of mind.


How has social media aided your music?

In every way possible really – organising gigs, making contacts and most importantly being able to share music with a much wider audience. We wouldn’t be talking to you otherwise!


First song you all learnt to play separately? 

Rosie –  Chop Sticks, surely everyone’s first song, right?

Peppi – John Lennon - Imagine          

Dave – Nirvana – About a Girl


Is there something you would like to tell each of the band members that you haven’t told them before?

(Dave) Peppi and Rosie just told me they ate all my ice cream whilst I was away.


First gig you went to?

Hmmmm that was a while ago….

Peppi – Alicia Keys

Rosie – Weezer

Dave – Super Fury Animals


There are many good bands and musicians out there, who would you ask the readers of musicmuso to look out for?

There are so many amazing talented acts that have caught our ears in Brighton, to name just a few check out GAPS, Foreign Skin, and Onamata who we discovered at a small gig earlier this week.


The music scene in Brighton is pretty strong with the likes of the Dead Reds, Simonne and the Darkstars and Three against Four to name just a few, why do you think this is?

Brighton is a very creative open-minded place with a pretty sweet vibe. It’s a fun place to live by the sea, with plenty of great gig venues, places to record and rehearse. Not surprising creative people flock here!


Favourite venue to perform and why?

We have a soft spot for the Green Door Store and recently played at the Blind Tiger which was great, but the Brighton Dome Studio has to be our most exciting place to perform so far.


What classic song would you have liked to have recorded and why?  

Sinnerman by Nina Simone, just because it’s got a bit of everything and sounds like it was done in one take, which if you think about it is unheard of nowadays.


In your opinion, what is the BEST album/record ever released?

Thankfully there are far too many incredible albums out there; it would be rude to pick a BEST.


If you could describe your music in the form of a fictional character, who would it be?

Seeing as we’re named after a fictional character it will have to be Momotaro (Peach Boy).


Do you think we can ever live in a world where a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned?

Well I guess if the quick brown fox can jump over the lazy dog then I should hope so.


What are your plans for 2014?   

We spent last year experimenting with our sound whilst sifting through many instruments; we’re now looking forward to gigging and spreading our sound as much as possible. We’re constantly coming up with new ideas for songs, so who knows we may release an EP at the end of the summer…just excited to see where the music takes us!


The sandwiches went down a storm, especially the salmon and cucumber with the crusts cut off. A triple tired cake stand had been delivered by two burly waiters, Peppi & Rosie had earmarked the chocolate eclair and custard slice, leaving Dave with the chelsea bun, to cheer him up whilst the ladies were gorging on their cakes, we asked him some quick fire questions.


Coffee or Tea?  Tea

Coke or Pepsi?  Pepsi Max with Whisky

Drum machine or the real deal?  A hybrid

Mac or PC?  Mac

Fry up or Sunday roast?  Roast

Lemmy (Motorhead) or Ozzy (Black Sabbath)?  Neither

CD or Vinyl?  Spotify or Soundcloud?

Car or Motorbike?  Long board or sack trolley?

Acoustic or electric?  Acoustic electronica

Shower or Bath?  Shower

Tattoos or Piercings?  Tattoos

Robert De Niro or Al Pacino?  De Niro

God or Google?  Google


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There you go folks, loads of juicy gossip about Momotaro, a super cool video and tracks from their debut album 'Second Side', you've done a great job reading this far, please spare another few minutes to check out their social media pages, they're all listed below to make life easier for you.









24th June - The Hope, Brighton supporting Garden City Movement

11th July - The Green Door Store, Brighton supporting Lucky Elephant


Musicmuso would like to thank Momotaro for taking their time to chat to us, we wish them every success in the future and look forward to the EP at the end of the summer (no pressure guys!).


Interview by Mark Wincott