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Roads are a Devon based acoustic duo, consisting of Danny and Rosa, they were Semi-Finalists of the 'Open Mic UK' competition and love creating and performing music together. 

We managed to grab 10 minutes to have a sit down with the pair where we chatted about how much they love food shopping and cheese, learning cliche songs on the guitar and being able to teleport, here's how we got on....



All I know about you is that you’re a Duo from Devon, please can you introduce yourselves and tell us a bit more about 'Roads'?

We are an acoustic male and female Duo. We met 8 months ago at the regional finals of Teen Star, a national singing competition. Since then we have been gigging as and when possible around Devon and surrounding areas and working together to become as tight as possible.


Was there one act or artist who made you want to start playing and writing music?

Danny - I've always been a massive fan of Ed Sheeran and have taught myself to sing and play in similar styles of Ed.

Rosa - No one ever really had a massive impact on my singing when I was younger. I just really enjoyed it. As for playing guitar - I just wanted something to play so that I could accompany myself. More recently, Ed Sheeran has made me want to sing and write more.


If I asked you to describe each other using just 3 words, what would they be?

Danny - Rosa is.. Talented, beautiful and kind-hearted.

Rosa - Danny is.. enthusiastic, dedicated, talented.


Do you come from a musical background?

Danny - My father has always been a musician, and even now he plays regularly with his bands so I've grown up surrounded by music.

Rosa - No, not at all. Very creative background though.


What was the very first song you learned to play on guitar?

Danny- It is so cliché, and to be honest rather embarrassing.. But it's Oasis- Wonderwall.

Rosa-  Next to me - Emeli Sandé


Who would you say are your main musical influences?

Danny- obviously, Ed Sheeran as he is killing it everywhere he goes. Also James Bay as his songwriting is brilliant. I've also been listening to a lot of Jack Garratt recently. He uses words brilliantly too!

Rosa- Like Danny, I love Ed Sheeran and James Bay. They are both very inspiring artists. But I love musicians like Rae Morris, Lucy Rose and Sam Smith.


What is your idea of hell?

Danny- Food shopping.. I can't stand it!

Rosa- Cheese, it's repulsive!


What are your aspirations as musicians?

Just to be able to have a career from playing music, to be able to do something we both love as ROADS. We would love to make it big in the music industry, and have a sell out tour!


If you could collaborate with ANYONE (dead, alive or areational) who would it be and why?

Ed Sheeran. We've always been huge fans of Ed, it would be a dream come true to even meet the man.. Let alone perform with! Our genre and taste is very similar to Ed's.


Are you planning on taking your music forward as your career?

We would hope so- if all goes to plan! We think going to university, in London, to study music this year will help us achieve more in terms of a career in music.


You’re mentioned on the @HelpHospiscare Twitter page, what do you do for them and how did you get involved in the first place?

@HelpHospiscare is such a great page. Full of local musicians with tonnes of talent. We all work together and help raise money for the hospice care charities and centres and perform in local venues to showcase our talent at the same time.


There are so many young, aspiring musicians out there in Devon, is there a local place where you can all hang out and chat about songwriting and playing?

Not really... But if there was one, we'd be regulars!!


Where do you play on a regular basis, do you have a favourite venue?

We play regularly in the pub/clubs around the Torbay area.

Danny - I love playing in Mambos, purely because that is where I go for a night out, and playing somewhere you go regularly is quite cool I find!

Rosa - The Rock Garden is such a fun venue. I find it really easy to involve the audience in this venue and love the high stage so I can see everyone. The atmosphere in The Rock Garden is always great because there's a good mix of people.


If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?

Danny - I'd love to be able to teleport...Just picture a place in my mind, close my eyes and go!

Rosa - Either mind reading or flying. I'd love to know what people are thinking (to a certain degree) and flying would just make everything 10 times easier. You could get to places much quicker.


What are your views about the use of smartphone or tablet use at concerts, do you think they should be banned?

It has its pros and cons. We think it's a good idea because you can take pictures and videos to remember your experience at the gig. However, people that stand there constantly filming takes it away from the whole experience.


What was the first gig that you ever went to and what was the most recent (as a paying customer?)

Danny - The first gig I ever went too was to see Coldplay at the Emirates Stadium... What an amazing spectacle!

Rosa - McFly was my first gig and Tom Fletcher threw his plectrum up to us and my friend and I caught it!

We went to see James Bay together on Monday, up in Bristol.. He was incredible!


How do you approach songwriting?, is there a ‘magic formula’?

Chord progression comes first, then we work out a melody, and from there we work on lyrics.


As I mentioned above, there are many young musicians in the Devon area, please nominate 3 that I can approach for an ‘Introducing’ feature….

Will Bruce (AGK)

For Josie (Joe and Freddie)

Lou Latham


If you were on a desert island a could only have 3 items, what would they be and why?

Danny - My guitar to keep me entertained, my iPod so I could listen to music, and a lighter to start fires.

Rosa - Sun cream because I burn so easily, a picture of my family (including my cat), and Danny (not that he's an item!!)


Are you planning any festival appearances for 2015?

No, as we are working for Oxfam at many different festivals over this summer... So we will be watching instead for a change!



We thought it was only fair that we put BOTH of them through our quickfire round of questions, we hooked them up to the machine and cranked her up, here we go....



Hot chocolate or Cappucino?

Danny - Cappucino

Rosa - Hot chocolate.


Bagel or Crumpet?

Danny - Bagel

Rosa - Crumpet


Loop Pedal or Chorus Pedal?

Both - loop Pedal.


Great British Bake a Off or Masterchef?

Both - Bake Off


Night out or night in?

Both - Night out.


BBQ or Picnic?

Both - BBQ


Strictly or X-Fator?

Both - X-Factor


Festival or normal gig?

Both - Festival.


Camping or Campervan?

Both - Camping


Beach or Pool?

Both - Beach


Sunbathing or Snowboarding?

Both - Sunbathing


Paperback or Kindle?

Both - Paperback


God or Google?

Both - Google.



We'd like to thank Danny & Rosa for taking time out to run through our super taxing questions, we wish them every success in their music and look forward to maybe catching them live in the not too distant future....

If you have a few minutes, please go and explore their social media channels, they're all listed below, just point and click!


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Upcoming Live Dates

27th May - Exeter Respect launch @ Bardfield theatre 

6th June - Lymphoma Association charity event.


Interview by Steve Muscutt