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Wildheart is a straight up rock n’ roll band hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who have just released their debut indie EP titled "Gypsy Soul".

The EP has already been added to the rotation roster of several online and traditional terrestrial broadcast stations across Canada and The United States.

We stumbled upon Cody and Scott from the band whilst queuing up outside the local fancy dress store as we heard there was a wild badger trying on outfits from the popular UK kids TV show 'Peppa Pig', whilst we waited for the badger to try on the 'Daddy Pig' costume, we unleashed a barrage of questions on the guys, here's how it rolled….

Name of band / act?  



Toronto baby

Names of all members?  

Well we got Cody (where is my shirt) Vaillant on lead vocals, Scotty B. (the B stands for Beer) Goode and the mop topped Lewis Piquet slammin the six strings, Mike P-P-P-Parrrrrrrr on the D-D-D-Drums DID I STUTTER!? haha and the always lovely Renee Parr on the sex-i mean bass guitar.

When did you form?  

About a year ago give or take...time moves too damn fast...silly persistent illusion.

Introduce yourself and your music in one sentence….  

Scotty: "1-2-3-4" hit it!  

Cody: Yeah that's about right i think

A fascinating fact about you or one of the band members?  

Scotty: Lewis is ⅔ Swahili.  

Cody: haha is he? what is the other third? Martian?

Last time you used public transport and where did you go?  

Scotty: This morning, straight to the back.  

Cody: Smart ass haha. Shit I'm just always on it. Seems that way anyways. Every day all day to some place or another.

Last time you felt proud?  Scotty: Today, when I overheard a friend talking about this very band.

What classic song do you wish you recorded and why?  

Scotty: "Under My Thumb" or "Lay Lady Lay". There's just so much mood and atmosphere in those songs  

Cody: Ask me again in 20 years and I will tell you what ones i did write haha. But i guess it would have been cool to be struck by whatever lightning bolt of genius caused Tyler to pen "Dream On"...thats Divine intervention right there haha.

Last movie you saw? 
Scotty: Big man  (my favourite)
Cody: Yeah then you made me watch the whole damn thing in clips on youtube

Last book you read? 
Scotty: Oliver Twist
Cody: Songs for a sour dough by Robert W. Service...and before that it was The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav....poetry quantum is all the same really.

What did you dream about last night? 
Cody: I was this guy in a suit at a desk and all i did was answer phones and do paper work all day every day until i would go home to a nagging wife and three useless teenage kids and a cat that hated me and wow what a nightmare haha 
Scotty: I shoulda answered this this morning. Ask me about my Star Wars dream sometime, though….

Last time you cried? 
Scotty: When Goose died in Top Gun
Cody: Suicide hot wing challenge of 98'

Last time you were rude to someone and why? 
Scotty: I'm never rude. Mama raised me right.
Cody: Shit...every other word to every other person...because I am a high strung diva...I gotta work on that.

What excites you? 
Scotty: Touch
Cody: Conversation, art, love....and yeah touch.

Biggest musical influence? 
Scotty: Hearing "Old Time Rock n Roll" by Bob Seger in the back of my moms station wagon when i was 5.
Cody: My dad was a rad drummer when he was young and I always heard stories and thought that was cooler than hell. And my mum would always sit with me and try and encourage me to play with various old casio and koss keyboards. They bought me lil mini guitars and slide whistles and never got pissed when i made noise. As far as contemporary influence I think it is easy to see the impact Steven Tyler has had on my craft.

Earliest childhood memory? 
Scotty:Seeing a cow take a dump on my older brother when he walked behind is tail.
Cody:Shit that's a good one haha.I just remember always being in nature. I remember the smells and the green. I grew up in a very small town and i know that i spent most of my day in the forest behind my parent home. Still feel very connected to that feeling and constantly want to just run away back to it.

Best gig you ever played? 
Scotty: Our debut show at The Bovine. 
Cody: Performance wise I would have to say either our set at the Hard Rock Opening for Automan or Just recently when we opened for Cherie Currie at Lees palace...overall best gig experience not counting my feelings on the quality of our set? well yeah our first gig had an atmosphere you just cant replicate. So much energy and fear and adrenaline. Always remember your first time haha.

Best band/artist of 2013? 
Scotty: Jonathan Wilson
Cody: Rival Sons

Biggest act you have ever played with (supported or on the same bill as)? 
Scotty: Cherry Curry at Lee's Palace
Cody: So don't have Mick or Keef's number do ya?

The last album/record you bought? 
Scotty: Charlie Pride
Cody: The new album by Earthless....4 sides of 15-20 min tracks of instrumental hendrix quality mind fuckery. just wow. orange vinyl

Last time you had a fight? 
Scotty: I kneed the guy in the face. It wasn't very a long fight.
Cody: Had to knock a real winner out just outside my old apartment a while back because he backhanded his lady it the face right in front of me after a rather vocal bickering match about how she got the wrong beer...I am so glad i moved haha.

Tell me one of your guilty pleasures?
Cody: Lana Del Rey....and you can all shut up.
Scotty: Hahaha...ha...hahaha *sigh*

Best advice you ever received and who was it from? 
Cody: "Don't be a musician." - Everyone

Largest amount spent in a single purchase? (excluding property) 
Scotty: My motorcycle was a couple grand.
Cody: My van...Our tour bus "The Wild Wagon" was a few grand

Things weren't going too well inside the fancy dress store, a representative from the CCAC (Canadian Council on Animal Care) arrived to see what the hullaballoo was all about, whilst he was trying to move people out of the way to see the badger dressed as Madame Gazelle, we moved in with the quick fire questions….

Coffee or Tea? 
Cody: Yeah Black, Hot, Strong, NOW!

Coke or Pepsi? 
Scotty: Heh, coke...
Cody: Wouldn't water my whiskey down with either....unless they wanna sponsor us or something....then either haha

Mac or PC? 
Scotty: Mac
Cody: Mac ...I hate them  but I have come to hate the new PCs more.

Holidays/Vacations – Beach or ski-ing?   
Scotty: Skiing
Cody: You crazy boy? Sand, Sun and tits for me please.

Meat or Vegetables?  
Scotty: Meat
Cody: I think we need both don't we? Ah screw it. MEAT. I am sure that cow rolled in some grass at some point when it was shot in the face.

CD or Vinyl?   
Scotty & Cody: Vinyl

Car or Motorbike?     
Scotty: Motorbike
Cody: Shit yeah.

Cat or Dog?  
Cody: dogs man for sure

Acoustic or Electric?
Cody: an electric acoustic haha

Angelina or Jennifer?
Cody: who?
Scotty: both

Cooked Breakfast (bacon/eggs/mushrooms/toast etc) or Cereal? 
Cody: all of it


So there you go folks, more information than you could ever wish to know about Cody and Scotty from Wildheart, if you see them out, buy them a steak and I'm sure they'd be your new BFF's in no time at all.

You've read this much so why not spend a few minutes checking out their fabulous 'Gypsy Soul' EP that is available to buy for the princely sum of just $5 (Canadian) using the link below, go on, it's less than the price of a beer and it will stick around much longer !


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Forthcoming live dates/Shows

They played on Feb 28th at The Hideout with Stone River but owing to my broadband connection being about as fast as an asthmatic snail with heavy shopping, I only got the email the other day so unless you are a close friend of Doc Brown or Marty McFly, you're screwed, I'm sure it was a kick ass gig though !!


Musicmuso would like to thank Scotty and Cody for their time, we must also mention that the badger was not harmed in any way shape or form during the escapades at the fancy dress store and he has now been released back into the wild where he has taken on a new role as a pre-op transexual who enjoys nothing more than strutting about the woods dressed in skimpy underwear and heels (as a badger does….)

We couldn't find an image of a transexual badger but we did stumble upon a pig with two snouts…..the mind boggles!