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Introducing the unreliable, crazy and super sensitive Exeter musician, JOSHUA SERGEANT....


We recently ran a few features on some quality local southwest based performers and a question I asked them all was 'could they nominate someone for me to approach for an 'Introducing' feature', Josh's name came up about 4 times during the process. I emailed him at the end of April and I received an email in early July, owing to his busy schedule, he had only just got round to emailing me back (I think he forgot personally...)

Anyway, a little later than planned, here is the interview that we did with Joshua Sergeant, enjoy!



Hi Joshua, we know that you’re a Margate lad currently living in Exeter doing your singer/songwriter thing, can you tell us something about yourself that even Google doesn’t know?

Hmm that I have had three surnames and moved 20 times. Spooky eh?


You list quite a few musical inspirations, if you had to choose just one, which would it be and why did they/he/she have such a profound effect on you?

It would have to be Radiohead.. The first music I heard that was more than a marketing tool. They did what they wanted and sounded how they wanted. Listening to 'OK Computer' on the way to school, It was so beaten up only 6 songs worked and I had to hold the CD walkman tight between my fingers or it would open and stop playing haha


If I asked your friends to describe you using just 3 words, what do you think they would say?





What does music mean to you?

Music is a member of my family.


You’ve got to decide who the headliners are for next year’s Glastonbury Festival, who’s going to be gracing the Pyramid Stage on Fri, Sat & Sun?


Jeff Buckley | Screamin' Jay Hawkins | Tim Buckley


Radiohead | The Pixies | Queens Of The Stone Age


What was the last book you read?

'Ham On Rye' by Charles Bukowski.


You play alongside Leeroy Loftus who plays acoustic bass with you, how and when did you meet Leeroy?

We met in college and through the love of The Beatles. For the first few months I think that was all we spoke about and then we started working on college projects together. When we played our first gig, we perfomed a couple songs together. A truly good lad and believes in me more than I do.                              


Do you come from a musical background?

No. Scary and confusing as it seems to run in the blood but after discovering music I realised most of family could be but never took it as serious as I have.                          


What was the very first song you ever learnt to play?

Radiohead 'Lucky'


You won Exeter's premier open-mic contest twice, what did you win and did you get more gigs as a result?

I won once on my own and the second time with Leeroy. A wod of cash and a hefty bar tab. This interview is bringing back some good memories by the way!           


What is your idea of hell?

Being in a Coldplay covers band.


Do you play outdoor festivals? If so, do you prefer the larger, more corporate affairs or smaller, boutique festivals?

Yeah I play outdoor events, sadly not always in the sun. I love being loud with big rigs behind me but then I couldn't live without smaller set ups where you could hear a pin drop. I like an event where ever the music comes first. Undecided, sorry.    


If you could duet with ANYONE (dead, alive or fictional) who would it be and why?

Leeroy. Stick to what you know!

It's a hard one.. Maybe Syd Barrett as I could easily twiddle something over his unpolished beautiful music. It always comes to me as direct competition duets.. Who can sing better, who can play better. Me and Syd would just jam it out.       


Where do you play on a regular basis, do you have a favorite venue?

All over Exeter and surrounding areas. I couldn't decide on one but some of my favourites are The Bike Shed, The Pheonix, Timepiece and The Globe.                          


If you were a boxer, what music would you use to enter the ring to? (I’m thinking ‘Eye of the Tiger’ by Survivor…)

Something like cher, unmotivational, then he'll be real surprised when I knock him out in the second round haha        


You said that you find learning other people’s music ‘a chore’, why is this?

It sets boundaries on what to and what not to play in a sense... and it takes forever for me to learn lyrics.


Do you play any cover versions in your current set? If so, which ones?

Yes we do a few but I always like to mix it up a bit and try and make it my own.

'Strange' The Doors

'Heart Of The Country' Paul McCartney

'If I Didn't Care' The Ink Spots

'Stand By Me' Ben E King

'I Put A Spell On You' Screaming Jay Hawkins                             


If you could design anything in LEGO, what would it be and why?

A spaceship or a car... for nostalgia's sake.    


There are tons of social media channels out there at your disposal, which would you say are the best ones for you to get your music out there to people?

Facebook and Youtube are the most popular.


How do you approach songwriting?, is there a ‘magic formula’?

If I told you that I'd have to kill you. Joke.


What was the first gig that you ever went to and what was the most recent (as a paying customer?)

Radiohead at Victoria Park and the last some awesome DJ at The Bike Shed for a £1. Bargain!


If you were on a desert island and could only have 3 items, what would they be and why?

A Boat so I could get back home.

My guitar to write a song or two on the way.

A gun.. I watched 'Jaws' at a young age.


If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?

World Peace by the snap of my fingers of course


I am looking for other local musicians to take part in our ‘Introducing’ feature, can you give me at least 3 names for me to go and investigate?

Greg Handcock, Lukas Drinkwater and Andy Watts.





Three surnames or just the one, there was no way Joshua was getting out of our quickfire question round. We strapped him in and fired up the machine....



Hot Chocolate or Cappucino?



Bagel or Crumpet?



Ice Cream or Candy Floss?

Ice Cream


Loop Pedal or Chorus Pedal?



Cycling or Walking?



Exeter Central or Exeter St Davids train stations?

St Davids


Night out or night in?

Night in


Early riser or Can’t get out of bed?

Early riser


BBQ or Picnic?



Beer or Cider?



Exeter Phoenix Arts Centre or Exeter Cavern?



Festival or normal gig?



Beards or No Beards (on men!)

No Beards


Camping or Campervan?



Glasses or Contact Lenses?



Beach or Pool?



Tattoos or Piercings?



Nando’s or Wagamama’s?



Sunbathing or Snowboarding?



Paperback or Kindle?

Paperback Paperback Paperback


God or Google?

Google is God? … Google.


We'd like to thank Joshua for taking time out to chat to us, we wish him every success in the future and look forward to catching him live sometime. Talking about catching him live, if you;re in the Exeter area, you CAN see him soon, here's 3 dates where you can catch him doing his thing.... I've also listed a couple of his social media pages below, go check them out!


Upcoming Live Dates

July 11th - Timepiece Club (Exeter) 

July 25th City Gate Festival ( Headlining) (Exeter)

Aug 7th Sidmouth Folk Festival 


Social Media






Interview by Steve Muscutt