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KILLING JOKE played in Exeter recently, we were there to see it happen, read our live review....

Shaun Histed-Todd


We were invited along to the Lemongrove venue in Exeter to witness Killing Joke performing tracks from their massive 14 album back catalogue as well as new tracks from their latest album 'Pylon'. We chatted to Jaz Coleman just after the soundcheck, to see what we discussed, click HERE


I think my ears are going to burst. Killing Joke open with 'The Wait' from their first album and it is played with all the power, volume and urgency of a band half their age. Geordie Walkers' gold Gibson, a constant thru all the 30 years or so that the band have been together, seems to somehow play itself as he weaves his way thru their gargantuan back catalogue seemingly oddly hypnotised by his rarely used microphone.


Sean Histed-Todd


Whilst the omission of live favourites 'Fire Dances', 'Eighties' and 'Love Like Blood' would normally have left a fan wanting, the inclusion of 'Sun Goes Down' and 'Fall Of Because' sends everyone in the front row into a frenzy.


Jaz has always cut a menacing figure and tonight is no exception as he stalks the stage, venting his feelings about the chaos in the world and the current disillusionment with our current Government before the band carve their way thru an amazing rendition of 'Madness'.


The new album 'Pylon' is represented tonight in the form of 'Delete', 'Autonomous Zone' and 'I Am The Virus', all of which can be considered definite future classics.



Youth and Big Paul create a massive sound and at times the bass lines become more of a chest crushing feeling than a discernible musical sound whilst Geordies guitar scyths thru the middle, a mass of fury and discord on 'Unspeakable' and the opening guitar riff of 'Requiem' gets a roar from the crowd which sends the hairs on my neck tingling. 


I'm trying to checkout how the guitar line is being played when I'm sent flying into the people next to me as a pair of lads in what can only be described as being in the evening of their years start throwing punches as 'Pandemonium' spins into life and the place goes wild.


It must be noted that Killing Joke are now fast approaching their sixties and during their career, have influenced a great deal of acts from Nirvana thru to LCD Sound System but for me they stand resplendent at the top with their new album, shining with all the best parts of their previous 14 albums. They are a band who seem to be totally on top of their game. Epic stuff.



Review by Roger Wells & Logan Jenkins


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