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NICO YARYAN announces debut album 'What a Tease'....

Photo credit: Ben Rayner


Fresh off a round of killer CMJ performances, Nico Yaryan has shared a new track 'Old Gloria' from his forthcoming album, What a Tease. Yaryan said of the track, "Old Gloria is a sympathetic story about a dreamer who lost her way." 


Partisan Records is pleased to announce they will release Yaryan's debut album on February 26, 2016.On What A Tease, Nico sings earnestly of the hope, elation, sadness and confusion that come with falling in and out of love. A full tracklist and album art are available below.


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Already featured on Spotify's Viral Charts with over half a million streams, his first single 'Just Tell Me' is taking off with press and listeners alike. Nico also won over CMJ 2015 by melting hearts with his charming set of sincere yet lush songs. In the midst of playing NME, Popgun, and Bowery Presents showcases, Nico sat down with Brooklyn Magazine to record a breathtaking live version of 'Just Tell Me', which can be viewed here.


What a Tease asks the questions: How far would you go to be with the one you love? And what would be enough to tear you apart? These questions led Nico Yaryan down the long, arduous, but beautiful road thatproduced his debut album, What a Tease. 


Yaryan began as the son of Northern California hippies, a creative kid who cut his musical teeth on drums and midi samplers, digging through dollar-record bins and dreaming of producing hip-hop beats worthy of his idols, like J Dilla and DJ Premier. He would pass a few cavalier years of adolescence and early adulthood (as he tells it) "sort of sidetracked, working retail jobs, and skateboarding, and riding bikes, and drinking, and being a kid." But that changed when he joined Hanni El Khatib, a close friend from high school, as a tour drummer.


What A Tease came to life during the months Nico tried to keep a transcontinental relationship afloat after falling in love with a girl in Amsterdam while touring overseas. Upon returning home, he took a job clipping weed in Northern California to save money to go see her.


The work was simple enough, but during those month-long stretches out in the woods, each solely funding the next plane ticket, and then the next, Yaryan was isolated, without any communication with the outside world and longing for a woman thousands of miles away.


Meanwhile, as their relationship unfolded in the face of geographical (and financial) adversity, so did the songs that would become What a Tease. Opening with the tattered allegory of 'Old Gloria' and the lonely masochism of 'You Belong to Me', the record lets more than a little darkness surface: the agony of watching yourself fuck up a good thing became 'Just Tell Me'; the shifting nature of success informed 'Dreamers'; mistrusting the nature of his love led Nico to 'Witch Love'. But throughout, there's an undercurrent of perseverance and determined tenderness, songs like the cavernous 'Infinity' and, perhaps especially, album-closers 'Your Love Never Lets Me Down' and 'I'll Stay With You When You Die'.


The LA-based artist will release a limited edition 7" of 'Just Tell Me' in December. 


Early 2016 tour dates will follow soon.


What A Tease Tracklist

1. Old Gloria
2. You Belong To Me
3. Just Tell Me
4. Dreamers
5. The Magic
6. Infinity
7. What A Tease
8. Nobody Tells My Baby
9. Witch Love
10. Your Love Never Lets Me Down
11. I'll Stay With You When You Die