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SEA GIRLS delivered a stunning set to a full house at Bristol's Fleece - Read our live review

We caught up with SEA GIRLS playing their first UK live shows of 2022 in an exclusive run of intimate venues, partnered with local independent records stores, to celebrate the release of their new album Homesick, which was released on 25th March 2022 via Polydor Records. I joined them on their second show of the day at The Fleece in the heart of Bristol , alongside a full house of expectant fans.

Homesick follows the release of their debut album Open Up Your Head, which was recently officially certified as a ‘BRIT Breakthrough’ album by the BPI having achieved over 30,000 OCC sales on a debut album.

A deeply personal record, lead singer Henry Camamile returned to his childhood home in Lincolnshire at the wake of the pandemic, finding himself having to address and reflect on events from his past, both good and bad. A cathartic process, Henry leaves nothing to the imagination with his astute storytelling and candid lyrics. Delving into some of his darkest moments, the uplifting album comes as a sense of relief, a gratefulness for survival. Lyrically raw and packed to the brim with hooks, the band step into new realms with an added sense of maturity and a bigger ambitious sounding record.

The band burst onto the stage and launched into 'Someone's Daughter, Someone's Son' to an eruption from the crowd. The sound was loud and full with the playing tight, a band at the top of their game. The four piece put on an energetic show from the outset, bounding around the stage. The Fleece has a unique configuration with the stage framed by a series of large floor to ceiling pillars, a nightmare for the photographer but great for any frontman to hang off and Henry took every opportunity to do just that. This just fuelled the atmosphere in the room, with the whole crowd bouncing to every track.

The set was mainly made up of new tracks, coming thick and fast as guitars were swapped back and forth and Henry gave everything to every word. The crowd sang along, guitarist Rory energetically bounced around while the back line of bassist Andrew and drummer Oli provided a really full sound. Non album track ‘DNA’ ended the main set but the crowd were not ready for it to end just yet.

'Sick' is a massive sing along song and as Henry stated himself, ‘Sick’ is a growing up song – a theme that spans a lot of Homesick. It was time to put away childish things, “be a man, someone I could respect, not a waste of space, which I was. You’re not meant to be behaving like a teenager at a party.”

To end the night, 'All I Wanna Hear You Say' from their debut album, again had the crowd screaming. Henry left the stage, made his way through the crowd to the bar and sung the majority of the track while standing on the bar before finishing it right in the middle of the floor, surrounded by a lot of happy punters.

Sea Girls, put on a hell of show and fans should cherish seeing them in venues like this because these anthems have a home in far bigger venues. The songs are strong, the pandemic break has seen them grow and develop with a really strong sound. Festival appearances and a big headline tour at the end of year could be just the start of their next big step. Listen to the album, play it loud and get hold of tickets to see them, you will not be disappointed.

Words and Pictures by © Glenn Morrison