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Singer, songwriter and producer ISHANI has a pop at Instagram 'influencers' on her scorching trip-hop influenced single 'Perfect Life'....

ISHANI satirises the culture of envy around airbrushed Instagram influencers on the scorching trip-hop/R&B of ‘Perfect Life’, the final single from her new EP Unkind Vibrations.

“Poetic, magic realism mixed in with Trip Hop” Bobby Friction, BBC Asian Network

“Elegant, foreboding track with a nostalgic groove” Earmilk

“Dank, trip-hop songwriting with a twilight feel” Clash

“A wonderfully unique sound” Listen With Monger

“Soulful vocals set alongside glitchy beats and ethereal, whirring hooks” GET IN HER EARS

“She is breathing much deserved new life into the Trip Hop genre as a whole” DJ MAG

“A one-woman band” The New Indian Express

“Great dynamics with a velvety vocal. Temporarily escape reality and enter a rather chilled out realm”  Dav, RadiAsian.London

“‘Perfect Life’ is a playful commentary on how we can turn into monsters when we lose ourselves on social media. ” Ishani

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About Perfect Life

Following you / Down this rabbit hole / It’s dark and empty like my hollow soul” sings Ishani on her pitch perfect new single ‘Perfect Life’. It’s a tongue-in-cheek psychedelic allegory of the mind-bending sinkhole of social media where perceptions of life are distorted and distended in a house of mirrors. Built on a thick psychedelic groove, the production is a psychotropic fen of rippling keys, R&B harmonies, trip-hop attitude, and Ishani’s scorching delivery. Her lyrics are anything but as hollow as the ‘Gram fantasies they portray. She channels the disorientation of a speaker lost deep in the deceptive matrix of social media. The song is, in her words, “a story about our collective social media experience and our relationships with our own phones. Whether we want to or not, we are constantly seeing other people’s lives, fantasising about what their world is like, and wasting our own time constantly scrolling, not living, just imagining other people’s lives.” Like previous EP single ‘Ghosting My Soul,’ ‘Perfect Life’ draws on themes of self-isolation and the erosion of selfhood that comes from being isolated this year.

About Unkind Vibrations EP

In this year’s spirit of making-do and being resourceful, Unkind Vibrations was recorded partly in studio and partly at home during lockdown. The EP refers to a world suffocating under the thrum of unfriendly transmissions, whether they be the nauseating flow of excess content, the viral spread of fake news, or the anxious trappings of our own social media obsessions and political uncertainties. Kicking off with its first single and title track, Unkind Vibrations surfaces like a leviathan of kick drums and reverberating snares, channeling the 90s hip hop stylings of acts like Common and A Tribe Called Quest. ‘Twin Flames’ has Ishani drawing listeners through a maze of sound and rumination as she weighs the projected outcomes of a relationship. Themes of losing touch with one’s self run through the anxious voices of Ishani’s speakers as they fall prey to self-doubt, obsession and isolation. Though dark in tone, Unkind Vibrations is a sonically colourful and tongue-in-cheek masterstroke filled with layers of music, production and meaning that thread together into a loving vibration. One that celebrates the complex mess of our internal lives in a complex, often frustrating and superficial world. The artwork was directed by Monique Narboneta of DC Comics, and the illustration was by Jax Nguyen.

Track Listing
1 - Unkind Vibrations -

2 - Twin Flames - Spotify

3 - Ghosting My Soul - Spotify

4 - Perfect Life - Private Stream

About Ishani 

Since 2018, Ishani’s music drops have each successively rained her raw heartfelt vocals and atmospheric, future thinking beats on us. “Insomnia” made her a BBC Introducing Artist and in 2019 she performed at Reading and Leeds Festival, where her much lauded single “Nothing’s Changed” stormed the festival crowd. Ishani’s songs take the surfaces, reflections and tribulations of modern life and cast them through the prism of Ishani’s introspective voices. Not shy of big topics, Ishani engages with things our culture still finds difficult to talk about. ‘Don’t Stop The Fight’ tackles violence against women, while ‘Dark Angel’ reflects on the loss of two of her close friends to suicide. It was described by CLASH as “a highly personal plea for mental health awareness.” Ishani has performed at Hungary’s Sziget, one of Europe’s largest music and cultural festivals, and she’s also opened for Icelandic electro group Gus-Gus at Be My Lake Festival. Her work is a synthesis of influences, inspired by her cosmopolitan upbringing and travels through Bangalore, Cornwall and Singapore. She is currently based in London.


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