Jeremy Quentin hails from Michigan and has been recording acoustic Americana under the Small Houses moniker since his 2010 debut "Our Dusking Sound". This record "Exactly where you wanted to be" has been on release since 2013 and it could more accurately be described as an extended EP rather than a long player. Thankfully its economy does not detract from its quality. There are no groundbreaking paths pursued here or anything particularly radical in a climate when Americana is the default setting for so many US musicians. Yet the undoubted promise of songs like "Oh hiding out" or the musical jewel that is "I saw Santa Fe" suggest that Mr Quentin has plenty of miles left in his tank and really long musical journey in front of him.
Perhaps at 40 seconds the slight "Karens Song' is a bit too economical? Similarly reprising "Our Sweet" on an already very short album is to utilise that technical musical term "taking the Michael". No doubt Quentin will learn from this little mistakes in his forthcoming album release in February 2015 entitled "Still Talk, Second city". If he does there is enough to suggest that an early new year treat is in store particularly if he can match songs like the beautiful "Last Days of Summer" from this splendid little record.
Review by Red on Black