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Bradford based band WARME offer a heady blend of classic rock, Indie, relentless riffs, progressive beats and sublime vocals, we caught up with Lee Walsh from the band to ask him some questions about why they hate Mondays, advice from ponytailed 'bastards' and council house opera, here's how we got on....


Please introduce the band and your music in one sentence....

LW-Hello we are Warme


You’re called Warme how did you come about choosing this name?

LW-My Uncle is in to boxing and he always used to say he's a warm kid if they were good .Its what they call a tough lad round here .


Monday Comedown your latest single, what is it about Monday you don’t like?

LW-I use to not like Mondays but I aint Bob Geldof, as most people will agree getting up for work, school, hangover, fuckin raining, it's shit


Where did you and who filmed the music video?

LW-It was done by moose productions Rachel and Jono. We filmed it down the local pubs that we know even though I've not been in them for ages, in the hope that the local characters would be pissed up and carrying on. As we are from an area very similar to Shameless we even have our own Frank look-a-like 'ADAM' in it which is funny, he’s on the cover. We thought we would just strap a camera to Jono's head and get him pissed and film it. Good Laugh, you should’ve seen their faces when we walked in with the cameras, I think they thought we were going to make a 'Rita Sue and Bob Too' sequel Ha Ha


You guys were signed to a record label, what advice would you give to a band or a musician when a label calls?

LW-Watch out for dodgy bastards especially ones with pony tails and London accents who milk the money from your deal and  have worked with Bon Jovi and other poodle heads and are always saying "Ya, fuckin great" !!


How has social media aided your music?

LW-I quite like the fact you can just bang it on and people can access it so fast but I still like the idea of going to town with your mates to HMV and buying a record on a Saturday and actually holding it. It's like the fun has gone out of it. Although i'm liking the new vinyl at the moment.


You had a self imposed sabbatical, what happened during the hiatus and what has changed now?

LW-First we went and got really drunk for a few months, then got shit jobs and stuff. Sacked a few people, had a bit of a look around and now we are in complete control of what we do.


The first guitar riff you heard that made you and still does give you an orgasm?

LW-Tough that Like a lot. ACDC have some good riffs but their songs are a bit dodgy

I'm gonna say ELO Overture which to be honest is 'Changing Man' by Weller I think he nicked it i'll probably get sued now


What does music mean to you?

LW-It means self expression to laugh, cry, get drunk, dance, do what you want, tell people what's going on get it all out


Which act/band made you want to get a band together?

LW-Various really, my first thoughts were Live Wood by Paul Weller, we used to watch that all the time. I used to pretend to play the piano and guitar in my bedroom like Weller, when I'd come in from school, I thought I was cracking up. Also the Oasis and The Verve records were just amazing ,The Beatles,  Led Zeppelin, were just amazing, I could go on all day! Some of the other Lads like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, ACDC and influences from all the great mainstream rock n roll acts.


Give me three words that best describe you as a band?

 LW - Council House Opera as all songs were wrote in one


Would you rather live with a dog that sings lullabies or a gorilla that can do sign language? Explain your answer

LW-Trust me i've seen a few dogs sing lullabies! There's a few in that pub where we did the video or on X-Factor, is the gorilla one of my mates?

Fuck it, I'd have them both, I'd say, "Right dog, listen to this and sing in tune, i'd get on the acoustic, learn a few Warme songs then get the big monkey fuckin' dancing about behind us .

Go out busking we've cracked it !! Ker-ching ..QUICK GET COWELL ON THE PHONE !


In your opinion, what is the BEST album/record ever released?

LW-Ridiculous question, I have so many. For pure genius it has to be The Beatles 'Rubber Soul', I love that record but there's about another 20 I could mention easily


If you had a chance to put together your own ‘super group’, who would be in it? (only living members please)

LW-I started thinking like in footy formations what would I go with....

So i'm going with John Bonham on drums, complete monster, John Entwistle, bass fingers where unreal, he never looked at the fret board, rhythm guitar would be Noel Gallagher for pure song writing genius, for lead guitar, it;s got to be Hendrix, pure class. Lead vocals would be Steve Marriot, what a voice, I'd also have a little bit of keys from Ian The Mac Maclagan, top geezer. On the bench would be Paul Weller, Paul McCartney & Jimmy Page

But again, I could’ve created loads of groups but the one above would take some beating !


What classic song would you have liked to have recorded and why?

LW-Wow this gets harder, it's got to be one that changed music at a certain time, like 'Love me Do' by the Beatles or God Save The Queen by the SEX PISTOLS, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana or Supersonic by Oasis, could you've imagined what it must have been like in one of those bands? Must have been manic, Brilliant !


First gig you ever went to?

LW-Oasis, Ocean Colour Scene


Name three people (alive, dead or fictional) that you would like as party guests?

LW-Oliver Reed, Keith Moon, Liam Gallagher


There are many good bands and musicians out there, who would you ask the readers of musicmuso to look out for?

LW-Apart from us, erm not sure, i've seen a few decent ones about but they're all doing the same shite


If you could describe your music in the form of a fictional character, who would it be?

LW-Dick Dastardly, I like him or Alan Partridge


Do you think we can ever live in a world where a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned?

LW-No, because If I see it, it'll be in the oven faster than you can say "Where's the fucking Bisto".  


What are your plans for the remainder of 2014?

LW-Firstly finish this album, then do some festivals, then get back to playing some good gigs at home and to be happy and healthy 


See this content in the original post


Lee mentioned a classic British movie earlier in the interview, before Steve from musicmuso ran off to check IMDB for more information, we threw in a few quick fire questions....


Coffee or Tea?  Tea


Coke or Pepsi?  Coke


Drum machine or the real deal?  Real if the cunt turns up


Mac or PC?  Mac


Fry up or Sunday roast?  Not sure, maybe a Sunday Roast?


Lemmy (Motorhead) or Ozzy (Black Sabbath)?  Ozzy, they both look like they need a shite!


CD or Vinyl?  I like both but CD for me


Car or Motorbike?  Car, don’t do motorbikes I'd only have a scooter


Acoustic or electric?  All the lads would say electric but i'm an acoustic man who writes all songs on it!


Oasis or Blur?  Oasis


Shower or Bath?  Shower


Tattoos or Piercings?  Neither as both look shite but if forced, it would have to be a tattoo


Robert De Niro or Al Pacino?  Tough one that, Pacino for Tony Montana


God or Google?  God 





We'd like to thank Lee from the band for sparing the time to answer our questions and we'd like to wish the band every success in the future.


Interview by Mark Wincott