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We catch up with Canadian born, Hamburg based singer songwriter KINGA ANGELYS and chat about her recent single 'Hurricane'

Kinga Angelys is a Canadian Singer and Songwriter currently based in Germany. A passionate lyricist and performer, she is best known for her velvety vocals, memorable hooks and alluring acoustic pop melodies.

With her latest track ‘Hurricane’, Kinga reveals an edgier offering than what she has produced in the past, this is more along the lines of an empowering and emotionally driven alternative/rock pop anthem like no other. It awakens themes of vulnerability and resilience, unveiling our potential in overcoming obstacles.

We love it and after hearing it wanted to catch up with Kinga to find out more about her as a person and an artist and dig into the past to see how she has become the person she is today.

We chatted about her early musical upbringing in Toronto, influences, dream festival lineups, future plans and even what she’d be drinking if we ever get to take her for a drink! Read on for all of this and more.

We know you’re called Kinga Angelys, we know that you’re a Canadian singer songwriter currently based in Germany, tell me something that you’ve never told an interviewer before….

My middle name is Kinga and my first name is Angelika so my artist name is actually a blend of both

You grew up in Toronto before moving to Germany, what age did you move to Germany? Why did you move there?

I moved to Germany for love when I was 28 years old (8 years ago) and have been living there ever since. My parents were born in Poland and we have family there so I travelled to Europe often growing up and the transition wasn’t too difficult for me, except for the German language (which I still struggle with).

What is your earliest musical memory?

I used to make up silly songs about everything as a kid - it was how I processed my surroundings, experiences and made sense of life

Would you say that you grew up in a musical house? If so, who played what instruments?

Oh yeah.  My parents encouraged my siblings and I musically starting with piano lessons, singing in church choirs (we even sang for the Pope twice once in Rome and once in Toronto). 

We all started with piano, self-learned on the guitar and had a family band going at one point playing events- tambourine, mini accordion, bongos, harmonica- you name it. My brother played bass guitar and drums as well.

Do you remember your first musical purchase? What was it, do you still have it and do you still play it?

I saved up money for what seemed like ages as a kid and bought myself some Bongo drums!

What about your first live music show that you attended who was it, where was it, who did you go with and what memories do you have from the show?

It was Bon JOVI with my sister in Toronto. I remember he wore this open leather vest with nothing under it and we screamed jumping up and down the  entire show which bothered quite a few people around us. We didn’t care and we didn’t want it to end - such an emotional and electric performance.

What do you miss about Canada?

SNOW (Hamburg winters are rainy and windy), Tim Hortons Coffee (Double Double is not a thing in Germany). There tends to be a lot more small talk in Canada vs Germany which I also miss. And of course my family, friends, and cottage country.

Tell me about any local music venues that are doing their bit in helping to keep the scene alive

I must say I have been completely removed from the live music scene over the past couple of years so I wouldn’t know. I threw myself into song writing heavily, challenging myself to write a song a day for a year! When I am in song writing mode, I tend to keep to myself more in my bubble and avoid live performances.

Describe your sound to us in just 3 words

Uplifting, spirited and catchy

If you were to categorise your music, which section would we find it in a record shop?

OOF that’s a tough one. I haven’t been to a record shop in ages.

Your influences include The Cranberries, Alanis Morrissette, Feist, Katie Melua, Ingrid Michealson, Zee Avi, Adele, my question to you is who did you most want to be when you were singing into your hairbrush in your bedroom as a child?

Gem from Gem and the Holograms!!! Ok and Ginger Spice from the Spice Girls and as a teenager - Avril Lavigne

Who would you say made you want to start writing your own music?

Music has always been a powerful form of storytelling, healing, connection, creative and artistic expression and enhanced so many of my daily experiences. I suppose I got tired of singing other people’s songs (covers) at gigs and I realized I had stories of my own. I have a pretty strong writing background as a researcher and educator and writing songs felt like a breeze, although song writing is still a skill I am strengthening. All in all, writing the music and lyrics is the easy part for me.  Channelling the song conceptually as an artist and performer requires a lot of intention, direction and confidence.  I am really glad I started this journey though- it fostered some incredible connections and lessons.  The best part is that a song you write and release lasts forever- and that’s an incredible thing.

In Germany, do you have anything similar to BBC Introducing where bands and artists can upload music to be considered to be played on a ‘new music’ show? If so, please tell me which station and any DJ’s who are involved in this sort of thing

My German skills are pretty mediocre and I have yet to find something like this. I will definitely look into it though.

Please also tell me if you have received any airplay on the radio in Germany

Not yet. I need to figure out a way to win them over…my passion for small talk doesn’t seem to do the trick.

Your latest track "Hurricane" is a pop rock anthem that reminds us of our personal power and potential to overcome obstacles and bounce back stronger than ever – Is the song based on a personal experience?

It is. I was a pretty shy kid. I remember my kindergarten teacher being concerned about that and my mom and I laugh at how different I am now.  The point is, it took me a long time to have enough confidence to express myself authentically. We all know how much easier it is to follow the crowd than to “make your own way” in this world.  A few years back I had to deal with a really tough loss and I lost myself for a few years, not thinking it would be possible to move forward while still feeling like myself. I experienced a sort of post-traumatic growth that spurred me into action and commitment to channelling my struggle through music and art. I really had to just say, screw it. I have to be strong right now, I have to live and create fearlessly. We are so resilient especially when we are well supported which I was blessed to be.  I guess I want others to feel confident enough to boldly carve their own path, even when there are challenges that threaten your growth.  It’s so important to keep cultivating your purpose and fulfil your potential.

Your vocals sound incredible on the track, so smooth and slick, can I ask who else have you worked with on the track? (other musicians)

Thank you so much! Just Jovan and I and some virtual instruments

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Do you have your own band or do you tend to use different musicians every time?

I use different musicians every time

Are you a ‘hands on’ kind of person in the studio or do you let the producer do their job?

Haha, not hands on at all.  I just let the producer do his thing! It always works out for me, I love being surprised at how the track takes shape as well.

The track is to be released just before International Women's Day 2022 to celebrate women at the forefront of positive change and who inspire us to break through barriers and bravely "make our own way” – Have you considered that it might be the track that they need to help to promote the event?

I did for a while, in fact the track did fit in well with the theme for this year. Time has flown so quickly since my last release however I haven’t quite managed to do all the things I have wanted to do with the song. But I did prepare something to celebrate the day on Instagram and we hope to have a video and acoustic version out with this track as well.

You released your debut single in 2019 ‘Parachute’, has the way you approach song writing altered much between then and now? If so, how?

At that time, I fully relied on inspiration and intuition to fuel my work. However I experienced a shift last summer when I was approached to write a song for a project funded by the EU and Federal Office for Migration and refugees in collaboration with Plan International in Germany. It was a children’s song to celebrate diversity in German kindergarten and the song had to be in German as well. So I developed a more technical approach here taking the task and the audience into consideration. I think it’s still important to be emotionally in tune, but before I was writing songs FOR myself, yet sharing them. What I started doing there was writing songs FROM myself but for others. I realized if I want to be writing music for others to  listen to, I need to think about them. So when I started doing that the feedback was that my more recent songs were more relatable.

If you were asked to nominate 3 acts for the headline slots at Glastonbury 2023, who would you choose and why? (I’ll let you choose from dead or alive acts/bands)

  • Amy Winehouse

  • Jewel

  • Alanis Morissette

We’re coming to yours for a 3 course dinner, what are you going to make for us?

Oh wow!! Hmmm… probably Bacon-fig-brie or nachos for appetizers, Grilled salmon and asparagus or a pokebowls with grilled salmon and apple pie with ice cream

With things starting to return to some form of normal, do you have any live shows pencilled in for the near future?

Nope. I am still not in a performance mindset at all. I’ll be writing more songs though - just me and a pot of tea!

Vinyl is once again the most popular format to consume music, do you ever think that cassette tapes will make a major return?

I have such fond memories of growing up with cassette tapes, but I personally don’t feel they will make a comeback

Tell me about some bands or artists that you’re really enjoying at the moment?

I am currently loving listening to all the covers by Pomplamoose and revisiting a lot of 90’s music (remember Ace of Base?)

We’re all off to the pub/bar, what would you like to drink? Any snacks?

I would get a Radler (half beer half lemonade ) or if it’s Canada a Rickards Red and nachos of course!!!

What’s next for Kinga Angelys?

I’ve got a few more commercial pop singles coming and then I’m working on an acoustic album and collaborations with some fantastic artists! I am really excited!

There are loads of social media platforms, what are the best ones to use to keep up with your musical happenings?

Definitely Instagram! My handle is @kingaangelys

Lastly, would you rather be able to communicate with animals or speak every language in the world fluently

Absolutely communicate with animals!!! I love the experience of being in a foreign place where I don’t know the language- I feel my senses are heightened and experience my surroundings in a new way. Plus, I really want to talk to animals

We’d like to thank Kinga for chatting to us and for answering our questions, we certainly know a whole lot more about this singer songwriter than we did before!

To keep up to date with her musical happenings, check out the various social media pages below.






