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We catch up with EASY LIFE ahead of their main stage performance at NASS FESTIVAL.....

20 minutes after arriving at NASS FESTIVAL, I was asked if I’d like to chat to a couple of members from the band EASY LIFE, having caught 20 minutes of their set at Boardmasters Festival in 2022, my appetite was whetted, off to the main stage artist compound we trudged to get ready….

The rain had just eased off so we found a nice spot between the posh toilets and one of the Wu Tang Clan’s porta-cabins to have a nice chat….

MM - Afternoon chaps, I wanted to ask if you are NASS virgins?

Murray - We are, it’s our first time here and we really didn’t know what to expect, I had visions of it being a bit mad but it’s actually pretty down to earth…

MM - Like a zoo you mean? people jumping around like mad things off their heads on dried banana skins and the like?

Murray - Yeah but it seems okay so far!

MM - You’re on the main stage at 6:15pm today, excited?

Sam - Yeah, we’re really looking forward to performing, the weather looks a bit iffy (it had been raining seconds before we started chatting) so hopefully that will hold off and we can inject a but of fun to bring the sunshine.

MM - You’re playing a bunch of festivals this year, I see you are off to France and Hungary too!

Sam - Yes, it looks a very cool festival….

MM - Is it a themed festival like NASS?

Murray - We’re not sure but it does look pretty good.

MM - Which are you most excited about?

Murray - I would say the one in Hungary, I’m really looking forward to the food, get it? food? Hun-gary?

MM - He’s here all day folks…..

MM - You’re also performing at Reading and Leeds in August, thoughts about that?

Murray - I feel SO old when I think about R&L, all those kids on god knows what having the time of their lives, that was us a few years back!

Sam - Yeah it should be a good one, lively crowd and hopefully a bit of sunshine!

MM - What are your top three festival survival tips?

Murray - Water….stay away from the drugs and have a good time!

Sam -Try to start your day off with a shower, a refillable water receptacle and plenty of sun cream in case you need it (best to go prepared!)

MM - If you could create an ‘Easy Life’ signature fragrance, what would it smell of?

Murray - Shit….. I mean not human shit but there’s something about the smell of manure that is quite appealing so I’ll go with that!

Sam - (unable to comment as falling about the place thinking of Murray walking around smelling of manure)

I’d like to thank Murray and Sam for sparing their time to chat to me ahead of their appearance at NASS Festival and we wish them the very best for France, Hungary and the human zoo that is Reading and Leeds Festival.

Interview - Steve Muscutt

Photography - © Andrew Hobbs Photography