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We catch up with JODY AND THE JERMS ahead of the release of their new long player 'Wonder'.....

Ahead of the release of their forthcoming album ‘Wonder’ (released on April 21st), we were keen to catch up with JODY AND THE JERMS, we did just that and had a good chat about their sound, working with Mark Gardener from indie pop legends RIDE, dream dinner party menus and guests and things they CANNOT live without whilst on the road…..

You’re called Jody and the Jerms, you have recently released the first single ‘Started Something’ from your forthcoming album ‘Wonder’ which is set to land in April 21, tell me something about the band (or a member of the band) that not many people would know….

Niall: Jody had never sung in a band before we got going in the Summer of 2019. Her last musical endeavors were many years prior in a school performance of Bugsy Malone. I had written our first two singles but had no-one to sing them until Jody was persuaded to give it a go. 

You worked with Mark Gardener (from 90’s indie band RIDE) to record ‘Started Something’, how was it working with him and what did he bring to the table in the way of changes form your initial ideas?

Jody: Working with Mark was great. As he's a 'singer', he totally gets what it's like to sing in a studio, as well as sharing some useful vocal tips. Most importantly for me, he's just a really lovely person and great to be around. His studio is also beautiful and great for musical productivity.

Niall: Quite often Jody and I write the songs at home and demo with a phone recording,  The first time the band comes together to play them is in the studio. Everyone then brings their own ideas for their parts - and it always seems to work. I guess that can appear quite chaotic sometimes - but Mark managed all that so well, especially for ‘Started Something’.

Your sound carries me back to the 90’s, especially with Jody on vocals, which acts would you say have made a real impression on your sound?

We all have so many different influences - but Kirsty MacColl, The Cure, The GoGos, Alison Moyet and The Clash seems to be fairly common ground. 

You’ve enjoyed coverage from pretty much every major radio station in the past including BBC 6 Music, BBC Introducing, BBC Wales and Ulster as well as American and Spanish stations, are there any that you are still to win over?

Niall: I guess writing lots of 3 minute upbeat pop songs gives us a certain unintentional radio sheen. We're always up for trying to win over new fans, so any airtime is amazing, especially if it is somewhere we haven't been played before. 

You hit the road to play a bunch of live dates in mid-March, tell me 3 things that you cannot live without whilst on the road?

Jody: Crisps, we love a good midnight crisp party. Throat Coat tea bags and honey help keep the voices going through a tour. 

Niall: Cigarettes and alcohol…..and Alka-Seltzer. 

I see you have a few festivals booked in for the Summer, which of these are you most excited about?

Jody - We're really looking forward to all of them: Can't beat a good summer performance with the sun out and people dancing! That being said, the IPO Festival at the end of May will be great at the Cavern. Matthew Street on a Bank Holiday weekend will be much fun!

To celebrate your new album release, you’ve decided to host a dinner party, what will you be cooking? (Started main and dessert)

Niall: Well it really should be caviar, lobsters and champagne to make it truly Wonder-ful but realistically we'll go for Garlic Mushrooms, Burgers and Sticky Toffee Pudding. 

You only have enough space for 3 guests, who will you be inviting and why (can be dead or alive)

Niall: Along with all of us 6 Jerms, I'd have Kirsty Macoll, Gary Lineker and Elvis Presley (hence the burgers) 

Jody: Dolly Parton, David Attenborough and Peter Kay.

There are millions of musical acts about at the moment, please name 3 that you are currently grooving to.

It's great there are so many new bands out there - they don't get heard as much as they should. Sandra's Wedding who supported us in Hull were amazing and have some new tunes out I believe. Beach Bunny are doing well and have a nice groove. 

Where is the best place to keep up to date with your musical whereabouts?

On the road - please come to a show. Buy our record - vinyl or CD. Or at or socials (see below). 

'Wonder' album pre-order
