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We caught up with Crispian Mills from KULA SHAKER after their incredible headline set at CHAGSTOCK FESTIVAL....

We were fortunate enough to see KULA SHAKER when they performed at CHAGSTOCK recently and whilst onsite, we were due to chat to Crispian Mills from the band. Owing to an exceptionally busy day, this didn’t happen but we managed to catch up to Crispian via the powers of the internet. Read on to see how we got on….

It was great to see you performing live again last weekend, I saw you at Knebworth back in 1996 and despite it being 26 years ago, you have not aged a day!

Well, that's because I am actually a hologram.

I read that CHAGSTOCK was your first ever time at a West Country festival, how was the overall experience for you?

I wasn't there. My hologram did the gig. I've been told it was a beautiful site and lots of lovely people.

I'm assuming that you may well have ventured into Devon/Cornwall as a child for family holidays? Tell me about any memories you have of these times

From the source of the A303 and then on down the A30 to Cornwall, the whole way is littered with memories and adventures. Too many to mention. The band have always come West for inspiration, from Glastonbury down to St Michael's Mount. It's a magical part of the world.

I was reading up on your recent movements and saw that you’ve played a few dates including Manchester, Glasgow and even the Ally Pally in London, how were they for you?

It was great to play live again and connect with audiences after all the fear, isolation and non-sense of the last couple of years.

I'd like to think that these gigs were simply warm up shows for your appearance at CHAGSTOCK?

You might be an egomaniac.

You’re off to Japan in August to play a couple of shows in Osaka and Tokyo, I’m guessing this won’t be the first time you’ve ventured East?

We love playing in Japan and the Far East. We travel there quite often. Strangely, we have never set up a KS gig in India.

Japan fascinates me as a country, I love the fact that they don’t really go in for English signs and I’m guessing you can feel a bit like an alien on a different planet? Do you manage to get around okay?

It's fine if you take some rope, a good supply of water, some edamame beans, and a distress flare in case I get lost.

How has the new material from ‘The First Congregational Church of Eternal Love (and Free Hugs)’ been received by the fans?

You should probably ask them….

I’m loving the title of the new album, can I ask how it came to be? Were there other names on the table?

Double concept albums should have long, unwieldy titles that no one can remember. This was the best fit. Congregation is a great word because it implies UNITY IN DIVERSITY, which is, in one respect, a paraphrased (english) meaning of acintya bhedabheda tattva. People don't have to be the SAME to have peace, but they do have to be united around a concept or idea; We chose ETERNAL LOVE. Read into that what you will.

I was playing your debut album the other night to get in the mood for your set at Chagstock and couldn’t help thinking that the tracks have really stood the test of time, do you look back and share that same thought?

I never look back.

I wanted to ask about your approach to songwriting and whether the process has changed for you over the years? Do you have a magic formula for this?

Yes. A Magic /Secret formula.

I was looking at your discography and you have delivered albums consistently from 1996 to 2022, dare I ask, is there more material in the pipeline for a future release or are you having a well earned break from writing/recording?

No breaks for Kula Shaker. We are going to release more music very soon.

Lastly - What are your top 3 festival survival tips?

Don't forget your tent.

Stay clear of the brown acid.

Oh... too late.

We’d like to thank Crispian for taking the time to answer our questions, we wish him and the band every success for the future and look forward to more new music coming our way in the near future!

Keep up to date with Kula Shaker at the following sites.


