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We chat to Jessica Smyth AKA BIIG PIIG after her main stage appearance at NASS FESTIVAL....

I returned back to the press cabin at NASS FESTIVAL to be told that I was interviewing an artist called BIIG PIIG, I’ll admit, I was not aware of them at all so spent a few minutes having a crash course on a great performer/rapper called Jessica Smyth aka BIIG PIIG. I had questions, many questions, so backstage I ventured, found a nice spot and had a lovely chat….

MM - Firstly, Biig Piig is an interesting name for an act, tell me how the name came about?

BP - It was the result of a drunken night out and I wanted to create an alias so people didn’t realise that it was me. I had to come clean when bands and artists started to contact me for collaboration opportunities! 

MM - You moved to Los Angeles in 2020, how long did it take you to adapt to that way of living?

BP - L.A. is really fast paced, full on, its just go go go, everywhere you look, you just don’t have time to sit and take anything in so when I moved back to London, it was quite a refreshing change!

MM - Which do you prefer, London or L.A.?

BP - I’m going to have to say that both places have their own things going for them and I love both!

MM - You have only just jumped off the main stage at NASS Festival, how was it for you?

BP - It was great, the set was cut short somewhat because of the rain but what I did perform was great and the crowd were really up for it, it was a really uplifting experience.

MM - Your act looks very ‘lively’, how do you relax after a show?

BP - I sit with the band, relax, have a drink and catch up before we get whisked off to our next show!

MM - If you could have one superpower, what would you choose and how would you use it?

BP - I have always wanted to be able to teleport, then I could just zoom around the world popping up and doing cool stuff. Saying that, I sometimes think that the world moves far too fast and maybe the ability to stop time would be great, that would allow me to take stock and have a look around and enjoy things a bit more!

MM - If you could create a signature fragrance based on your music, what would it smell like?

BP - Oh goodness, that’s a good one, I think that it would have a notes of vanilla, coffee, maybe a little spice just to bring a bit of zing to it, it would obviously be a classic scent that everyone would love!

MM - You are a very busy young lady with festivals booked in the UK, Europe and in America, which are you MOST excited about?

BP - There are so many, I think that Primavera Sound in Spain is going to be immense, I have always wanted to play there and this year is my year! I’m also really looking forward to the four dates in America as my band will be with me and it’s going to be great travelling with them and sharing so many experiences.

I’d like to wish Jessica all the very best for her very bright future, catch her at the Secret Garden Party and End of the Road Festival later in the year before she jets off to America to wow the audiences there with her killer live show.

Interview - Steve Muscutt

Photography - © Andrew Hobbs Photography