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We chatted to HOLLIE COOK ahead of her appearance at MUCKY WEEKENDER....

As you’ll see from the website, we’ve been chasing many artists and bands around, badgering them for interviews ahead of the Mucky Weekender festival that takes place in Winchester over the weekend of 9th/10th September. Having missed Hollie Cook performing at Beautiful Days in Exeter, we were super keen to sit her down and ask her a few questions about the festival, the recording of her latest record and her top three festival survival tips!

You’re playing at Mucky Weekender in September, what is it about the festival that stands out from others?

I couldn't say as it's my first ever time attending so I will let you know afterwords! There's always something exciting about a festival that is organised by musicians though.

Do you know yet which stage, time and day you’re playing?

I'm playing at 7.45pm on Saturday night. I don't know which stage so be sure to check the programme!

Your new album ‘Happy Hour’ is out now for everyone to consume, What did you enjoy most about the recording process?

I mostly enjoyed that it was a huge distraction from the shit show that was the year 2020. And also the fact that I wrote and recorded it with General Roots who I've been playing with live for many many years now. We are a family and it was wonderful to finally create with them on an album project.

I was delighted to see that Youth produced the album, what did you learn from working with him in the studio?

This album was a remote process, being the year that it was and Youth was out in Spain. I worked on my last album with him also. I very much enjoyed his relaxed and casual approach to simple and effective ideas to elevate songs and bring the best out of them.

This is your 4th studio album, has your approach to writing and recording changed over the years?

I just try and improve on my previous work, I think. I wanted to try and maintain a balance with keeping simple pop sensibility but with some more adventurous and interesting musicality.

How has the new material been received by your fans?

I think they seem to like it! I've had some positive feedback.

I see that you’re off to play in Mexico in October, is this the first time that you’ve played there?

I've played there before and it's one of my favourites. Mexican music fans are by far some of the most passionate I've come across.

Aside from Mucky Weekender, which other music festivals can we see you at this year?

This is my final festival of the year! 

Finally, music festivals can be ‘mucky’ affairs, please tell me your top 3 festival survival tips….

  1. Bring your own toilet paper. 

  2. Ear plugs for sleeping if you plan on trying to get any of that.

  3. Some comfortable footwear or you'll be hobbling about by the end of the first day... 

Hollie Cook plays Mucky Weekender Festival on Saturday 10th September tickets available HERE

The new album ‘Happy Hour’ is out now and available to purchase from 

You can also catch Hollie on tour across the UK and Europe this October - Details HERE