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We chatted to Torquay based dream pop quintet ahead of their appearance at the SIDMOUTH FRINGE SESSIONS....


The Sidmouth Fringe Sessions are a series of intimate musical performances spread over 5 nights (7.15pm - late) which are running from 5th to 9th August. The lineup this year is immense, so much so, we wanted to get in touch with as many acts as possible for a chat about a whole bunch of stuff including festival survival, the best album in the world EVER, BBC Introducing and super-groups, read on to see how we got on....


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Gentlemen, please take a moment to introduce yourself, tell us about your music and give us one fascinating fact about you/your band

We are Tourists from Torquay - Jamie (vocals/guitar), Scott (drums), Matt (bass), Lloyd (guitar) and Tom (synthesizer). Our music combines lots of different influences but definite elements of shoegaze, post-punk and 80’s synth-pop. Most blogs last year described it as “dream pop” but with a “darker edge”. “Nightmare pop”. Fun fact: At any given moment Scott will have a banana on his person.


You play the Sidmouth Fringe Sessions on Sunday 6th August, how did this come about?

A mysterious unknown entity by the name of Giles sent us a message inviting us to play. I think he asked us to play last year but we were recording that weekend so couldn’t make it. We’re not too sure what to expect from it as I thought it was normally stripped-back sessions at Sidmouth Fringe and we’re playing with a full set-up. But that makes it more exciting… We’re really looking forward to it.


The BBC Introducing team are heavily involved in the festival, have you had any dealings with them in the past?

Yeah James, Fiona, Sarah and the team (from BBC Introducing Devon) have been a huge support over the last few years. We just played at Glastonbury Festival on the BBC Introducing stage thanks to those guys putting us forward for it. Tom had a bit of a Glasto de-brief with James on a recent 'Introducing' show but apart from that we haven’t had chance to catch up with them since, so that’s cool they’ll be there. We owe them a bevvy!


You’re playing alongside some great acts (Alex Hedley, Fire Wood Island & Bryde), have you performed with any of these before?

No but we’ll be there all day Sunday so hope to catch a few of their sets.


Are you playing any other festivals this Summer? If so, which ones are you most looking forward to?

We are playing at Sea Change Festival in Totnes at the end of August which we’re really excited about. It’s organised by Drift Record Shop in Totnes who have excellent taste (if we say so ourselves). I went last year and it was sweet… like a mini 'Great Escape' but in Totnes – the town was perfect for it. It’s great seeing our name on the same poster as the likes of Temples, Lowly, Amber Arcades, Jane Weaver.



Music festivals can be quite messy affairs, what are your top three tips to surviving one?

(1) Don’t worry about survival until you get home

(2) Book a week off work

(3) Have the Samaritans on standby


You get some pretty diverse food at festivals, what’s been the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten

Jamie once ate a raw chinese stir-fry ready meal (much to our delight). He didn’t realise he had to microwave it.


In your opinion, what is THE BEST album in the world ever?

Jamie – Radiohead – OK Computer

Scott – The Strokes – Room on Fire

Matt – Joy Division – Unknown Pleasures

Lloyd – David Bowie – Low

Tom – The Beatles – Revolver


If you could create your very own super-group using any musicians (dead or alive) who would be in the band and why?

Ian Curtis for the unrivalled energy. Zachary Cole Smith for the guitar melodies that make you feel everything. Kevin Parker for the outer space synth layers. Mike Wallace for his dynamic purpose and passion. Carlos D on bass for the swag. If Carlos doesn’t fancy it, Alan Partridge to stand in.


What advice would you offer to a band just starting out? Any pitfalls to try to avoid?

Practice. Every day. Play live as much as you can. Even the shit gigs are all just part of the bigger picture. Have a solid idea of how you want to sound and get some good recordings done… Because without them you’ll struggle to get out of the hometown. The main thing though (without getting too deep) is to make sure you’re doing it for the love of the music and because you want to make great songs and have an impact on people. If you’re doing it for other reasons then you’re setting yourself up for failure.


 Where can people go to keep up with your whereabouts/news etc?


Lastly, please give us the names of 3 acts/artists that we should be checking out….



Beach Fossils


Washed Out

Ulrika Spacek



There’s 7!


We'd like to thank the guys for sparing their time to chat to us and we look forward to catching their set at the Sidmouth Fringe Sessions on Sunday 6th August and again at the Totnes Sea Change Festival.


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