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We just returned from what was possibly the BEST CHAGSTOCK Festival ever, read our live review....

Yes folks, you read it right, after covering this gem of a festival in the heart of the westcountry, we collectively agreed that it was quite possibly the best one that we have been to. I can’t put my finger on what it was exactly, the weather? (sun on Friday but drizzle on Saturday), the food (great varied options ranging from vegan kebabs to luxury ice cream), the bands (eclectic and engaging as always) or the people that attended (smily, happy, friendly and up for a great time), I guess it was a mixture of all of these factors coming together to create the perfect atmosphere.

As I drove down the A30 from Exeter to Okehampton, I was surprised at the volume of traffic heading west, I was hoping that many would carry on past the turn off to Whiddon Down, laving little old me in my camper van hading to Chagstock, a selfish point of view I know but I was running to a tight deadline as I had to be in, sorted out with my press accreditation and in the photo pit ready for a band called Malavita who were gracing the main stage at 5pm, would I make it? Read on to find out.

I arrived and made a beeline for the main stage, met Tim and Boo from MALAVITA and introduced myself. 10 minutes later, they were onstage filing the air with their heady blend of latin funk. I was keen to watch them perform their latest offering ‘Up in Smoke’ but chatting to them after the show, they said that it never made the setlist as they only had 30 mins to play with and had to ensure that it was filled with solid floor fillers, I mentioned that the new track was a solid slice of summer complete with a catchy calypso beat, which was guaranteed to get the party started, it appears that the set they played was also full of much the same which had the eager crowd cheering for more come the end. 


We ventured to the Big Top to catch SAMANTICS, a wonderfully talented and super engaging individual called Sam who performed with a myriad of instruments including a loop pedal which was used to great effect. He sang of mental health and one of my all time faves where he received feedback on social media saying that he was a “banjo playing Eminem wannabe”, he soon translated this into a song and when he launched into it onstage, the crowd went wild and I mean WILD! I chatted to Sam after his set and managed to get a few photos of him outside in the sunshine, sadly, he wasn’t able to stay for a longer chat as he needed to get home to tend to his doggo that he had left behind as it was FAR too warm to leave him in the car whilst he played! We’ll be sure to catch up with Sam again in the near future.

Up next on the man stage were HUW AND THE GREATER GOOD, a 4 piece feel good band who pumped the positive vibes into the crowd for all to enjoy. They played an immense set including their latest banger ‘Old Fashioned Ways’ which went down a storm and saw many singing the chorus back at them.

If you want a band to get the party (and the dancing) started, this is it, cleverly crafted tracks with great music, guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

FLATS AND SHARPS were setting up in the big top as we wandered up and looking at the array of instruments on stage which consisted of a banjo, a ukulele, a double bass and other interesting items, I knew we were in for a treat.

When they took to the stage, I was amazed to hear a Penzance based quartet playing a brilliant mix of bluegrass and country music which lit up the big top with their energy and passion. The crowd lapped up every song and come the end, the band found it difficult to leave the stage owing to the amount of encore demands from the other side of the barrier!

TOM MCGUIRE & THE BRASSHOLES are a band that I am familiar with as I saw them playing at The Great Estate Festival in Cornwall in April. I forget how many of them were onstage but including the 3 piece horn section, there must have been nearly 10 of them.

Their sound was magnetic, their onstage presence electrifying and the fact that they were all dressed in white was a spectacle for the eyes. I remember the keyboard player wearing his karate suit onstage in Cornwall and was glad to see that he had packed it for the Chagstock gig too. Their set made for some great Live Photos and I look forward to seeing them on a future lineup at another field in the middle of the countryside.

We chatted to 4 members of FEROCIOUS DOG ahead of their set in the Big Top, it was great to catch up with them as it’s been a while and to learn about their forthcoming tour of the UK and even a handful of dates in Germany where they have started to garner a great following.

Their set was as expected, a complete riot of colour and sound, Ken led the charge with his band behind him, doing what they do best. It was also great to see so many Hell Hounds in the audience, to think that these people used to scare me when I was first introduced to the band but you know what? They’re a lovely bunch of people and are only too happy to drag you back up to your feet should you fall over in the mosh pit!

The audience were fully engaged by this time (possibly owing to copious amounts of real ale and cider?) but I personally put it down to the band performing an incredible set which was enjoyed by the people that filled the big top for their show.

I saw the bass player from headline act ASH wandering about the site in the afternoon and told him that he is the most photogenic bass player in the world, this is quite an honour as we shoot a LOT of bands and normally, they just stand there doing their thing but not this guy, he throws some amazing poses for the photographers to capture which really make for exciting photographs.

Their set was quite heavy on newer material and it was clear that they weren’t bringing out the big guns until the end of the set, a clever ploy to keep the audience engaged, knowing that the best was yet to come, and then it came. ‘Kung Fu’ led into ‘Oh Yeah’ which led into ‘Buzzkill’ which pleased me no end as it was this era when I got into the band a long long time ago. ‘Girl From Mars’ went down a storm and saw the entire crowd leaping about like deranged animals who had just been let out of the crates for a few minutes exercise.

A phenomenal set which went down as one of their finest and to think that it happened at Chagstock!

As Friday came to a close, I prepared my bed and after brushing my teeth, I settled down for the night with a huge smile on my face knowing that I had another full day of shenanigans to look forward to.

As I made my way back to the van for a sleep, I promised myself a vegan kebab from ‘The Big Kebabski’ which are regulars at my local brewery in Dartington. When I got there, I had to make a decision, one or the other….looking at the list of ingredients, I really couldn’t make my mind up so I thought if I have one on Friday and one on Saturday, I would be happy! Here’s a photo we took of them in action earlier in the day.

I woke at 8:50am, the van has superb insulation and as a result, is like a sealed tomb, you cannot hear anything happening outside and it appears I didn’t stir even when the big toilet sucky sucky machines came along at 7am to clear out the portaloos!

I had to get to the garage which was around a mile away to get some bacon to accompany my eggs, I thought eggs on their won would be a little bland so grabbed my jacket and prepared to head off on the 0.8 mile hike to the local service station. Camping next door to me was the singer from Malavita who we chatted to on Friday, she was sat eating some food with her family and I explained that I was off in the search of bacon to complete my breakfast. After a brief chat, her lovely mum and dad presented me with a pack of bacon to save me a 1.6 mile round trip on foot! For some reason, it tasted far better than it would have done if I had to make the trip myself so I am forever grateful for their generosity and will look to pay them back should our paths cross in the future!

I had a number of interviews to prepare for today including a chat with headliners Kula Shaker later on in the afternoon ahead of their slot on the MainStage at the end of the evening.

DEAD RADIO opened the main stage With a set that certainly blew away any leftover cobwebs from last night’s fun and frolics. They are a fabulous all out rock band who kept the crowd entertained with some electrifying guitar solos, solid rhythms and fantastic vocals. This band is EXACTLY what was needed to get people back into the Chagstock mood.

LAZY SNACKS were first to christen the Big Top stage on Saturday morning and from the get go, they had the audience engaged and bobbing along to their eclectic blend of rock pop and funk. It was great to see such a young band fusing so many genres together to form their own music, in a way, they reminded me of a band called SQUID and as I chatted to them after their set, they did say that every member brings something different to the table.

Having recently played at the El Dorado Festival, they bought the sunshine with them (despite it being a bit wet and drizzly) but as they were in the Big Top, it made no difference whatsoever and the audience lapped up the summery vibes.

I chatted to their very drunk bass player in the backstage bar later that evening and I asked about the band name and he said that it was a toss up between ‘Lazy Snacks’ and ‘One Way Ticket’, I’m glad they chose the former! Definitely an act to watch out for as they go from strength to strength, garnering support everywhere they play.

LUNA GRAY graced the main stage with their presence and played a killer set which resonated with the audience that had managed to drag themselves from their tents and into the main arena.

This was a solid band that produced some great music and I was even getting a young Debbie Harry vibe from Jodie, maybe it was the blonde locks but I think her voice had something to do with it too.

Joey the guitarist had a bit of a J Mascis (Dinosaur Jr) look going on with his clear framed specs but luckily was a bit easier to talk to when we caught up after their set. I also found out that Jodie had recently had a baby (4 weeks ago) so credit to her for getting up and doing what she did so well!

They performed a solid set which had the audience locked in from the first note, it was also great to see the band having a great time on stage too!

Expect more new music from this quartet very soon, keep an eye on the socials for more info.

I met the ladies from IDESTROY in the backstage area ahead of their set and we had a great chat about Bristol, their excitement levels about touring with The Skids and The Selector later on in the year and playing a slew of UK festivals this summer.

Bristol is very much a melting pot of styles and genres at the moment and to see a lively punk band doing their thing on a stage at Chagstock was a refreshing change from the usual bands that grace the stages. These ladies rocked out and blew the crowds away with their incredible style and approach to songwriting. Trying to get a good snap of the bass player was kinda tough as she wouldn’t stand still for long enough….

They recently released a new single called ‘Jellyfish’ which went down a storm and proved that this is exactly the kind of music the mid afternoon audience were craving to help them get prepared for the remainder of the day.

Tight, polished, well executed songs by 3 passionate and super talented musicians was all anyone could have asked for and boy, did they deliver! Their debut album ‘We Are Girls’ is available everywhere right now and if you missed them at Chagstock, head to their socials for a list of other festivals they have confirmed for the remainder of the year.

THE NATIVE are a Plymouth based 5 piece indie rock band who I had the pleasure of chatting to at Boardmasters festival last year.

Having recently performed at TRUCK FESTIVAL, WHY NOT and LEOPALLOOZA, it was clear to see why this band were so busy, they’re quite simply off the scale.

The Big Top was fit to burst as their set came to an end and there were so many calls for an encore, they nearly delivered but sadly, owing to the strict festival curfew to allow the next band adequate time to get on and soundcheck, it wasn’t possible.

Their music is incredible and I know that from watching them, they have what it takes to reach the heady heights of superstardom, I guess time will tell but mark my words, these guys will go far!

I was tied up interviewing whilst FLINT MOORE were doing their thing on the main stage though I did get a 5 minute break to go and check them put and I think I arrived at a time when they were explaining to the audience how to partake in a song, it seemed rather complicated but after a few dry runs, everyone was ready to join in and join in they did!

I recall thinking as I watched that one song reminded me of Pearl Jam, not sure why, the sound was very Seattle 1992 and took me back to when Eddie Vedder and co ruled the airwaves.

As you can see from our photos, this is an engaging and exciting band that will always draw a healthy crowd at festivals and their live shows wherever they play, support them if you can.

MIM GREY was next up in the Big Top and having done a little digging, I saw that she is a singer-songwriter from North London who plays sensuous, soulful, country-influenced music.

Her set comprised of tracks from her self-titled debut album ‘Grey Matters’ and the later released ‘Chasing Tigers’ which went down well with the healthy audience that had come to see her perform.

She also played a couple of new tracks which will no doubt be showing their faces on her forthcoming new long player that was pencilled in for a July 2022 release, keep an eye on her socials for more information as it is made available.

NEW CRISIS & THE FIREBLOCKERS took to the stage and received a huge reception from the audience, they always do but this year was different, they seemed more on point than they normally do. Armed with a plethora of crowd pleasing covers from the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Wheatus and The Cranberries, they kept the mood light and toes tapping.

I wasn’t at Chagstock on the Saturday in 2021 so couldn’t tell you what they were like but with the addition of a killer harmonica player and slide guitar, they surpassed themselves and had the field cheering for more come the end.

After their set, I think Simon chose this year’s fancy dress winners and awarded them with their prizes before leaving the stage to huge applause, well done!

What can I say about PATTERN PUSHER…..they took over the Big Top and turned a drizzly afternoon in Chagford into Club Tropicana for 45 minutes as they belted out their sublime blend of funk infused summery pop that struck a chord with everyone in the tent.

Their set was chock full of their classic tracks and they even dropped an absolute killer version of ELO’s Mister Blue Sky which sounded great!

Chatting to the trio after their set, it was clear that they played an incredible set, this was proven by the 20 minutes I had to wait for them whilst they posed for selfies and sold copious amounts of T-Shirts and Tea Towels (yes folks, even your dishes can benefit from the PP treatment!)

We spoke about their forthcoming debut album which, whilst it has been a long time coming, I have assurances from all 3 members that it will be well worth the wait….

Having played The Secret Garden Party the night before, THE UNDERCOVER HIPPY was tired but well up for another festival set in a field, this time at Chagstock, after a 6 hour drive they reached the site and had a nice sit down to take in the air and the incredible views.

They took to the main stage to a massive reception from the crowds that had formed to watch them perform, it was great to hear them play their new single ‘These Days’ which is available on all platforms right now, if you missed it, go and check it out now.

If you want more of The Undercover Hippy, you can see them perform at Chickenstock at the end of July or at The Phoenix in Exeter and The Junction in Plymouth when they hit the road in November.

(Apologies for lack of photos, we had to dash off to do an interview just as they kicked off their set but I’m sure you’ll agree that we captured the mood perfectly!)

The trio that is BASKERY had been travelling from Northern Sweden since 4am that morning so to say that they were a tad jaded is somewhat of an understatement. One of the ladies had bought their youngster with them who had clearly had the lions share of the sleep on the plane as he seemed quite chipper and upbeat!

Their set told a different story, they sounded and looked on point and knocked out a great set of Americana/Nordicana songs featuring their trademark sound created by a double bass, acoustic guitar, banjo and bass drum.

The stage setup bought back memories of when I saw them perform in Kingskerswell a number of years ago and we chatted to one member of the band ahead of their set and she swears she remembers chatting to me at the aforementioned show.

The crowd lapped up their music and it was great to see that they are still doing what they love doing on the live circuit. Keep an eye on their socials for news of future shows.

KULA SHAKER were the main act on Saturday night and as the time came, the main field filled up with fans young and old who were keen to see this incredible quartet bring the curtain down on Chagstock 2022.

I had arranged to chat to Crispian Mills in the evening ahead of the show and even chatted on the phone about setting up a time to meet but with one thing and another, this never materialised but I will be catching up with him soon to chat about their recently released album and their live dates in Japan as well as other UK dates in the Autumn.

I was listening to their debut album the other evening and couldn’t help but think that the tracks were quite timeless as in they still sounded great nearly 30 years after they were crafted, not many bands can say that about their debut offering.

Their set lasted a long time and it was great to hear the early classics such as ‘Hey Dude’, ‘Tattva’, ‘303’ and ‘Knight on the Town’ peppered throughout it. They played a few from their latest long player ‘1st Congressional Church of Everlasting Love (and Free Hugs)’ which sounded fresh and vibrant as they indeed were, brand new…..

Crispian Mills is the Peter Pan of the music world, I swear he looks no older than he did when I saw him play in ‘96 - He was throwing himself around the stage, jumping about and falling to his knees with his guitar aloft, quite simply the most rock n’ roll guy there over the weekend!

As the set drew to a close, Crispian said that they only had time to play one more song so to extend the experience, he chose a really long one (Govinda) which, with it’s extended intro and drawn out mid-section, lasted a good 8 minutes!

All in all, a great show from a band that may have cemented their place in people’s hearts during the Britpop era when they supported OASIS at Knebworth in 1996 but have remained faithful to their songwriting roots throughout the years and despite a brief hiatus, are back stronger than ever to carry on the Kula Shaker story!

As I said a fond farewell to my colleagues who had a bit of a drive ahead of them to get home, I retired to the backstage bar where the only alcoholic fluids were ‘Otter Bitter’, not my tipple of choice so I opted to stay ‘dry’ and help Martin out by keeping the few people who had camped down for the remainder of the night happy with fresh beer when required. It was great chatting to Pattern Pusher until the wee small hours but eventually, around 2am, my 50 year old body was telling me it needed sleep so I packed up and trudged back to the van for some rest.

I was up early on Sunday morning and headed home before 8am and drove back with a huge smile on my face after what was the best 2 days spent in a field just outside Chagford for a long time, everything was perfect (apart from a bit of drizzle on Saturday) but hey, what’s an English music festival without a bit of the wet stuff, we are hardy souls and it’s gonna take a bit more than drizzle to put us off! Until next year folks!

Words and some photographs by Steve Muscutt

All other photographs (the better ones!) by ©Andrew Hobbs Photography - To purchase images taken at Chagstock CLICK HERE