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We share a coffee with CLARA BOND and chat about her new track 'Misbehaving' from the 'Backtalker' EP (out now)

I have lost count the amount of times that I have chatted to Clara Bond on the website, I think we must be knocking on double figures but I don’t mind, she’s a joy to speak to and a real breath of fresh air who’s music is a pleasure to listen to.

The last time we caught up was midway through the very first lockdown, I forget what she was up to at the time, maybe she wasn’t releasing anything at all and just fancied a chat…. I’m sure if you type in ‘musomuso’ and ‘Clara Bond’ into Google, you’ll find the feature.

Anyway, this time she DID have something to talk about and boy were we excited. Not only had she recently released a track called ‘Misbehaving’, she had also dropped her brand new ‘Backtalker’ EP which consists of 5 tracks, 2 of which are completely. and utterly brand spanking new.

We caught up with Clara on a train back home, what better place to bombard her with questions when all she really wanted to do was sip her overpriced watery coffee and chew on a stale biscuit bar……

Clara, ‘Misbehaving’ sounds quite different to any of your previous material, is this a new direction for you?

Absolutely - this feels like “my” sound now. It’s so fun and freeing to be able to play around with production in this way, and not worrying about whether or not a part you come up with fits into the genre you’ve fallen into. I’m really enjoying it.

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I remember in a past interview asking you if you had “found your sound” and I recall you telling me that, despite you having a style of music that you play, you’re always looking to enhance this and maybe one day, it will change, have we reached that day?

i think my music will always change and I hope it does. I think the more music I listen to and the more experiences I have; the more people I work with, the more I will be inspired to try new things.

Your sound in the past has been very ‘poppy’ with a hint of country, why move from a proven format that your fans love you for?

Unless I’m having fun and feeling authentic in what I make, I can’t really feel fulfilled. The country world never really felt like the right fit for me, but the music I’m making now is 100% me, now that I am in no way trying to keep my music within the confines of a genre. The song ‘You’ from my Backtalker EP still has that country storytelling influence, but we’ve played with some edgier sounds.

‘Misbehaving’ has a certain ‘edginess’ to it which really draws you in and has me thinking about how your sound will further develop from here, do you have a good idea as to what you want this to be?

I’d like to experiment more with recording and using my own sounds. The drum beat of ‘Misbehaving’ is a collection of me slamming my washing machine door, knocking on my bathroom door and clicking my candle lighter. As a result, the drumbeat feels really fresh and cool. It was what got me excited about the track in the first place.

Would you say that ‘Misbehaving’ has opened up a new world of possibilities which you are eager to explore?

Absolutely. I wrote it quite quickly so I learned to trust my instinct when it comes to songwriting and not spend too long working on a song because i want it to be so-called “perfect”. I know that doesn’t exist so I may as well just write songs and enjoy the process.

Tell me about the instruments used to create this track? by the sounds of things, you are using synths a lot more than you ever have done?

Over lockdown we picked up a Space Echo. It’s a cool audio effects unit from the 70’s that makes these amazing delay and reverb effects. It features on almost every song because playing around with it gave us so much inspiration for the sound of the EP.

You are due to play a live show at The Cavern in Exeter on February 27th where you’ll be supported by the mighty Daisy Clark and Isolated Corners , are you nervous about playing the track live?

Not at all. I get nervous about shows but only because I hope it’s a good night. I don’t get nervous about certain songs. I’ve played it only once live before at Shebfest and it felt fantastic. The middle-8 in particular is a really special moment to sing.

Tell me about your band, have the members changed or are you still with the same bunch of super talented individuals?

Same bunch! They’ve worked with me for so long and they are all outstanding musicians with their own styles. I gained two new members for the live sessions we filmed for the EP. Seungmin Lee on backing vocals and Jonah Hitchens who you know well on backing vocals and guitar. They are both incredibly talented individuals.

Have you written other new material in the same style? If so when can we expect to hear this?

My Backtalker EP is out now everywhere. I hope you love it!

and here it is….

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We’d like to thank Clara for taking the time to chat to us and wish her every success with the EP and her forthcoming launch show at Exeter Cavern (of which I am going to try my very best to be there!) on Sunday 27th February.

If you’d like to keep up to date with her musical happenings, click on any of the following links and give her a ‘like’, ‘share’ or ‘follow’ or whatever you crazy kids get up to these days!




