Mark Wincott is a man with many hats, alongside his day job, he helps out on creating amazing interview features for our INTRODUCING section, we pinned him down and told him we wouldn't get off him until he completed the questions, here's how it went....
Your Name?
Mark Wincott
Where do you live (town/city)?
Age now?
37 (tough paper-round)
What was your FIRST ever gig that you attended?
Bad Religion in 1995 I think it was.
Where was the gig?
London Astoria, the now defunct London Astoria, one of my favourite music venues which has now been cruelty taken away from us, as have so many other music venues!
Do you remember who the support act(s) was/were?
The band I think was/are called Snuff, but don’t hold me to that!
Who did you go with?
A mate of mine at the time
How did you get there?
I used the wonderful invention of the London Underground, it's the future!
What do you remember most about the show?
I drank myself sober
How did you feel the moment the lights dimmed and the ‘intro’ music started?
I have no idea, I was not very aware of what was happening!
Was it indoors or outdoors?
It was indoors in a superb music venue that has now been knocked down
Did you buy a T-Shirt?
I was on the dole – my money had to go on booze!
Did you like the band MORE after you saw them live?
Stayed the same, the guys are legends
If you didn’t already own them, did you go and buy more of their music AFTER seeing them live?
I needed money to get to a club in Ilford after the gig, so no shirts or CDs were bought
Are you still a follower of the act/band?
I wasn’t for a few years until I found a cassette of 'Stranger than Fiction' and I need to see them live again.
How many times have you seen the act/band now?
Still the once, I want to see them again, but kept missing out
What advice would you give to a young fan looking to attend his/her first gig?
Choose wisely, because if you don’t, your first gig is much harder to live with versus who you lose your virginity to!