'The Noises We Make When No One Is Around' (Craig Taylor-Broad) is a lo-fi ambient dark folk act, inspired by acts such as The Antlers, Xiu Xiu and Perfume Genius. Songs are recorded on one take, using one microphone, in a bathroom, maintaining a raw and atmospheric sound. We caught up with Craig in his bathroom 10 minutes before he hit record, we discussed 'booty shaking' music, womb concerts and Casper the friendly ghost, here's how it went....
Please introduce the band and your music in one sentence....
One guy, one bathroom, one mic, one take.
You’re called ‘The Noises We Make When No One Else is Around’ how did you come about choosing this name and what noises do you make?
Uhm, a lot of it was all to do with feeling and being anonymous. I am a lonely person, making lonely sounding music, in a lonely flat, alone. These are the noises I make when no one else is around.
‘Playing Ghost’ your latest single is incredibly dark, what is the story behind this?
So far, for each single, I've had a theme. My first single, A Child Eating Their First Pet, was based around animal cruelty.
Playing Ghost, and its b-side, are based around child abuse. Growing up, I think the worst part about it, was that moment when you stepped in the door, and not knowing what the atmosphere would be like before you were able to get into your room. It's this moment where you wished you were able to just throw a cloth on your head and glide upstairs, unseen.
Who designed the artwork for your playing ghost?
The artwork was created by me some years ago. When I decided that I wanted to use the shot because it worked perfectly, I had to call up the guy who allowed me to photograph him and his daughter and ask for permission to use it. Luckily he's a great friend and a good guy.
Being an unsigned band how hard is it to get noticed and how has social media aided your music?
I'm just starting out so everything is via my Bandcamp and Facebook page really. Being an act solely through the internet is a very anonymous thing though. There is a disconnect with it, which really fits with how I want to portray myself with this.
What is the best advice you ever received and who was it from?
I once got told by a guy at a jam night that I just needed to sing, and keep practicing at it because I would become better at it.
I'm still not as good as I could or should be, but I'm certainly getting there.
What does music mean to you?
It's my safety net. I use it to calm me, as well as energise me.
Give me three words that best describe you as a band?
Haunting. Emotive. Dark.
In your opinion, what is the BEST album/record ever released?
The first album to make me cry was The Antlers 'Hospice' album. To this day it is an inspiration as to how powerful music can be in regards to storytelling. It may not be the best album ever released, but it is the most important towards how I write my own music.
What classic song would you have liked to have recorded and why?
Beyoncés, All The Single Ladies, because I'm all about shaking my booty.
First gig you ever went to?
I'm classing the concert I put on in my mothers womb as a real thing. It was wonderful thing, sonically.
Where did you record your singles ‘Playing Ghost’ and the previous ‘A Child Eating Their First Pet’? what made you choose that studio?
Everything that I do is recorded in my bathroom. It is done in one take, and recorded live rather than separating guitar from vocals. I think music should be raw, and this works for me so far.
There are many good bands and musicians out there, who would you ask the readers of musicmuso to look out for?
Keaton Henson, Xiu Xiu, Giles Corey, The Antlers.
If you could describe your music in the form of a fictional character, who would it be?
Do you think we can ever live in a world where a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned?
I've never seen a chicken cross a road. I really wish I could. I think jokes need a sense of realism in them for them to be funny.
What are your plans for 2014?
I want shows - If anyone wants to watch me play then e-mail and book me – thenoiseswemake@hotmail.com
5 minutes to go so we thought we'd best run through our quick fire questions before we ended up as part of the recording....
Coffee or Tea? Green tea. It's good for your voice apparently.
Coke or Pepsi? Neither.
Drum machine or the real deal? Drum machine.
Mac or PC? PC.
Fry up or Sunday roast? Sunday Roast.
Lemmy (Motorhead) or Ozzy (Black Sabbath)? Ozzy.
CD or Vinyl? Cassette.
Car or Motorbike? Car.
Acoustic or electric? Acoustic.
Shower or Bath? Bath.
Tattoos or Piercings? Tattoos.
Robert De Niro or Al Pacino? Robert De Niro.
God or Google? God.
We'd like to thank Craig for answering our questions and we hope that gigs will be plentiful throughout the remainder of 2014.