Shinobi Ninja is a genre twisting rock circus with an explosive live show. Hailing from Brooklyn N.Y., the band’s six diverse characters mash up the sounds of Hip-Hop, Punk Rock, Metal, and Pop into something all its own.
Musicmuso caught up with the band whilst they were doing their laundry in a Brooklyn branch of Laund-o-rama, whilst they were waiting for their whitewash to finish its cycle, we asked them a bunch of questions, here's how it went....
Please introduce the band and your music
Our influences include Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Rage Against The Machine, Sublime, Hendrix, Grand Master Roc Raida (RIP), Blacksheep, Wu Tang, A Tribe Called Quest, Gangstarr, Living Colur, PARTYING, MOSH PITS, HEADBANGING, SUCCESS, HARD WORK, CROWDSURFING, SWEATY ROCK SHOWS!
Being an unsigned band how has social media aided your music to be heard?
If not for social media who knows where we would be. Reaching the people is the only way. Shows. Social Media. Thats the way it goes in this war.
What has been your favourite trend on Twitter?
Brainstorm from your first album (Rock Hood) is a stand out, is there a story behind the tune?
It was made over the santigold song creator. You can actually put one song on top of the other. Try it.
How did you all join forces?
We met a recording/rehearsal studio.
In your opinion, what is the BEST album/record ever released?
The Black Album
Who designed the artwork for your Album cover and band logo?
Band Logo was Duke Sims. Rock Hood Album Cover was the home Mike Bacca.
First gig you ever went to?
First real gig as fully formed human was Pearl Jam at Randalls Island 1996 No Code Tour.
Tell me a fascinating fact about you & your band members?
Axis Powers does napkin art.
Can you inform readers more about your phone app you invented, how did this come about?
It was before bands or artists had apps. It was an idea that got put into motion. It was ahead of its time.
If you could describe your music in the form of a fictional character, who would it be?
Jame Gumb (aka Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs)
Shinobi Ninja have toured extensively, for someone like myself who has yet to see you live, what is a Shinobi Ninja live show like?
A lot of energy. Good music. Entertainment. Fun. Joy. Sweat.
Who would you like to know has your music on their iPod, MP3 or cassette walkman?
I would like to know anyone who has our music on their cassette walkman.
Where are you recording Escape from New York (latest album)? Why have you chosen that recording studio?
We recorded it in our studio The Sound Machine.
Have you had any ‘Spinal Tap’ Moments? If yes, please share!
Anytime the van breaks down. Anytime someone is fucking up. Spinal Tap lives all around the music industry. Like a bat to the cave.
Would you rather live with a dog that sings lullabies or a gorilla that can do sign language? Explain your answer
Dog. Gorrillas could tear you up.
What is in line for Shinobi Ninja in 2014?
3 Albums to be released. We have a song in 'A Haunted House 2' in theatres April 18th. And the unknown great things that are yet to be known.
Trouble had erupted in the Laund-o-rama as Terminator Dave had left his red shorts in the basket of whites, resulting in lots of white items with a hint of pink, the rest of the band were NOT happy. Whilst they were thinking of ways to punish Dave, we rolled out the quick fire questions....
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Drum machine or the real deal? Real Deal
Mac or PC? Mac
Taco or Burger? Burger
Lemmy (Motorhead) or Ozzy (Black Sabbath)? Ozzy
CD or Vinyl? Vinyl
Car or Motorbike? Car
Acoustic or electric? Electric
Shower or Bath? Shower
Tattoos or Piercings? Tattoos
Robert De Niro or Al Pacino? De Niro
God or Google? God
There you have it folks, loads of information about Shinobi Ninja, please take a few minutes to checkout their social media pages, to make life easy for you, we have listed them all below (we are good to you music loving folk out there!).
Social Media
Forthcoming Live Dates
Saturday 26 April 2014 - Move Music Festival, Albany, NY, US
Thursday 12 June 2014 - Herman's Hideaway, Denver, CO, US
Friday 13 June 2014 - The Paper Guns and $ooloo - The Loading Dock, Salt Lake City, UT, US
Monday 16 June 2014 - El Corazon, Seattle, WA, US
Musicmuso would like to thank Shinobi Ninja for taking the time to answer our questions, we hope that Dave didn't get his ass kicked too bad!
Interview by Mark Wincott