SERVERS formed in South Yorkshire in 2012. Driven by a compulsion to delve into the minds of servers and the subservient nature of followers, Server 00001 (Lee Storrar), Server 00002 (Lee Wilde), and Server 00003 (Ant Nettleship) came together to work on a collection of songs for what became known as "Leave With Us". As word spread more servers were recruited and early transmissions were brought into this world; produced by Server 00004 at Flatwave Studios, the true home of SERVERS. Once these early transmissions met with the standards expected, the works were taken to Axis Studios for final ascendence. We caught up with Server 0002 and chatted about Bill Hicks, dodgy records and do gooders, here's how we got on....
Please introduce the band and your music in one sentence....
Hard rock, with an epic edge
You’re called ‘Servers’ how did you come about choosing this name; did you work within a Telecommunications organisation?
Servers is in reference to the subordinate nature that Cults work under and the people that follow them.
How has social media aided your music?
Massively, websites like Twitter, Soundcloud, Facebook and Spotify give people instant access to your music so it's a huge help, but it can also be a hindrance as peoples attention span is less as there is so much choice out there so your impact must be more immediate.
You are signed with Undergroove Records, how did this come about and what was the process of the signing?
Our singer / guitarist had a previous relationship with Undergroove through his old band 'gu medicine' and once they heard our demos they said they were interested in working with us on an album.
Where did you record your ‘Leave with us’ and what made you choose that studio?
We recorded at Axis Studios in Doncaster with Matt Ellis, we had experience of working with Matt before and trust him 100% to deliver the sound and album we wanted.
In your opinion, what is the BEST album/record ever released and why?
Wow, tough one, after several hours of contemplation for me I think it would be Aenima by Tool, its just perfect for me, powerful, heavy and filled with intrigue.
If you had a chance to put together your own ‘super group’, who would be in it? (Only living members please)
Drums, Dave McLain (machine head), Bass Jon Stockman (Karnivool), Guitar Adam Jones (Tool), Vocals, Karl Middleton (Earthtone 9)
Do you own a record that you wouldn’t like to admit you have?
Dr Dre 2000
Who designed the artwork for your Leave with us your debut album?
The band came up with a concept they wanted and the use of the symbol, and we then handed it to the talented Pete Thompson of Flatware Studios who put all the ideas into the album concept.
What classic song would you have liked to have recorded and why?
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - it's pretty much the perfect metal song! riffs galore, great solo and amazing hooks.
First gig you ever went to and how would you describe a Servers live show?
My first ever gig was Kerbdog at Sheffield Students Union, I'd like to think that a Servers show is entertaining and leaves you feeling like you have had an experience, and seen a great live band.
If someone asked you to sell your music to them, how would you put it?
Queens of the Stone Age raping Motorhead, while Foo Fighters held their hair.
‘Universes & Supernovas’ is a powerful ride, what is the inspiration behind this track?
This track was written about the heavens gate cult, there was a family that joined this cult and the mother actually left her husband and children to one side on order to see the cults ideology through and committed suicide to leave on the comet.
The entire album in fact has it all, what was your plan when putting the album together, what was feeding you guys to play such powerful music?
Our first and foremost premise was to not stick to musical style or current trend, we just wanted to make music that the three of us were buzzing off, if one track was really heavy and the next a ballad type song, then we really didn't' care as long as we liked it. The albums all based on the concept of cults, each song covers a different story or aspect of how a cults power has such influence over individuals and creates a following of dedicated servers.
What’s the first guitar solo you heard that still gives you an orgasm when hearing it?
Slash, on Sweet Child O' Mine by GnR
‘Mega High’ is a blistering track, what helped you put a track like this out?
That one came from a huge riff that we recorded early on in the demo days at flatware studios, the opening riff just had such a massive sound and groove we had to run with it, and the track just grew and grew to the point of including a big layered solo on it and a fade out outro
Name three people (alive, dead or fictional) that you would like as party guests?
Dimebag - cos you know he would ensure it was one hell of a party, Lemmy from Motorhead and Bill Hicks.
There are many good bands and musicians out there, who would you ask the readers of musicmuso to look out for?
There are so many out there that flog their balls off to get an audience attention, a couple of really cool bands we gigged with recently are, The Black Futures who ripped it up at guiltiest, kind of like The Prodigy with a modern rock edge, and Awooga a great band from Sheffield with a prog/rock sound.
‘Do Gooders’ is another superb track, “takin' you places even I shouldn’t go” where are these places?
Do Gooders is based on the idea of the devil coming to visit someone and saying he needs their help to take the earth back as he feels its out of control because of doo gooders. turns out this person has ideas beyond even the devil.
Do you think we can ever live in a world where a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned?
Not at all… they are too sneaky and up to summat!
Have you had any ‘Spinal Tap’ Moments? If yes, please share!
So far life as a band has been pretty tame for us, we have some tours planned for the coming months though so plenty of opportunities to come, we do have some fun with the samples now and again, it can be quite tricky playing along to them continuously without wondering where you are in a song or not.
What are your plans for the rest of 2014?
Scotland tour in August, few more England shows, release our Claustrophobia EP in Autumn with our new video, and get to work on some more new material, that so far has taken a real step up from our debut.
Prior to us going off and looking for some sneaky chickens, we threw in a few quick fire questions for Server 0002 to consider....
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Scarlet Johannson or Jennifer Lawrence? Scarlet Johannson
Drum machine or the real deal? Real deal
Mac or PC? Mac
Fry up or Sunday roast ? Sunday roast
Lemmy (Motorhead) or Ozzy (Black Sabbath)? Now thats a tough one as I love Black Sabbath but Lemmy is an absolute legend!
CD or Vinyl? CD
Car or Motorbike? Motorbike
Acoustic or electric? Electric
Shower or Bath? Shower with your foot over the plug, best of both worlds
Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold or CM Punk? Hulk Hogan
Tattoos or Piercings? Tattoos
Robert De Niro or Al Pacino? De Niro
God or Google? Google
8/8/14 - Glasgow 13th Note - with The Recovery
9/8/14 - Aberdeen Downstairs - with The Recovery
10/8/14 - Dundee Buskers - with The Recovery
23/8/14 - Barnsley Rock and Blues Club
We would like to thank Server 0002 for sparing his time to answer our questions, we look forward to receiving a gift wrapped copy of the 'Claustrophobia' EP in Autumn.