Berets, Beards and Scarves. Yes folks, MusicMuso is in the very gentrified district of Hackney!
Hackney in the East end of London, a place that has changed personality over the past few years. The area has an abundance of gastro pubs, organic supermarkets and wooden single benches decorating the outside of their respective fair-trade coffee shops full of people sipping soya milk skinny latte's whilst munching superfood salads so 'super' even a rabbit would turn their noses up at them!
Tonight, the Oslo Hackney presents Duke Garwood, a London based blues maestro who is making BIG ripples in the musical ocean right now.
First up is Isle of Wight’s Angelina Grimshaw, her vocal style reminded me of an early Cher, an enjoyable opening set, received well by the fast growing crowd.
Next up is Kreol Lovecall – who also plays in the Duke Garwood band. Seeing Duke stood at the side of the stage during Kreol Lovecall’s performance was really nice. Lovecall started off slow, for me, he took a bit of time to settle into the slot. The way he holds himself at the mic with the guitar is reminiscent to me of Britpop icon and man of Leytonstone, Damon Albarn.
British born blues maestro, Duke Garwood strolls on stage, a man I have had the privilege of seeing a couple times supporting Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, Isobel Campbell, QOTSA).
Duke Garwood begins, the sound here tonight is impressive, really complementing his style. For twenty years, this guy has been performing around the world, at times he feels like he is the best kept secret in the musical world.
Tonight, in Hackney, Duke Garwood and band performed a hypnotic set, a set that matches the calmness in the crowd with the angst of older years. His latest record Garden of Ashes was for sale on the table at the back of the room along with his back catalogue.
The audience is full of ‘Garwoodites’, (I just made that up) their feeling for his words, the dark chords, the pure emotion lead music is not what you’d expect to hear on Now 46, but we are here because Duke plays music and he plays it so bloody well. Live and on record Duke Garwood is a touch of class.
I highly recommend you all go in-search of his back catalogue including my favourite album Heavy Love and the impressive Black Pudding, a record he made with Mark Lanegan,
Thank you to the Oslo in Hackney, which is fast becoming one of my favourite venues to frequent, until the next time.
Review by Mark Wincott