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We caught up with Exeter based shoegaze trio SOOT SPRITE to chat about influences, new music and dream festival lineups....

We were fortunate to see a band called SOOT SPRITE perform in Torquay just before Christmas, I have a feeling I may have seen them before but this was the first time I actually stood and watched their entire set, I liked it, I liked it a lot, I liked it so much, I chatted to Elli afterwards and she agreed to take part in an ‘Introducing’ feature for the site. We discussed topics such as how she first got into music, influences that made her want to pick up a guitar in the first place and of course, which three things she simply cannot live without, read on to find out all this and more….

So, you're called SOOT SPRITE, you're an Exeter based trio, tell me something about the band or a member of the band that not many people would know....

Our drummer Matt is a HUGE Disney fan.

SOOT SPRITE is an interesting name, how did it come about?

I named it after the little Studio Ghibli creatures, I just loved the ring it had to it and was one of those names you don’t necessarily need to repeat five times before someone understands it!

When did you form as a band and have you been in bands previously?

I started Soot Sprite as a solo project two years ago, but it became apparent quite quickly the songs needed a band, and I much preferred it to playing solo. I’ve played in a lot of bands previously, namely Skeleton Frames & Rink.

If you had to choose an album that you will NEVER get bored of listening to, which would it be and why?

Cranberry by Hovvdy seems to end up on repeat for weeks at a time since I heard it when it was released. It’s like a hug for your heart.

I watched you perform at Parrotfest in Torquay recently and I was getting a strong shoegaze/dream pop vibe coming from you, would you say that this musical style has influenced you?

I definitely shaped my guitar tones around other Shoegaze bands like My Bloody Valentine and Cloakroom, but also really into a lot of dream-pop which is where the more jangly/ dreamy sounds come in.

Which band or act made you want to form a band in the first place?

Bands that really made me want to go out and DO it would definitely be The Joy Formidable and Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Seeing these women tear up a stage the way they did was so inspiring to me when I was younger, and even now still.

Do you remember the first ever song you learned to play?

Time of Your Life by Green Day on my crappy nylon string acoustic!

What was your first gig that you attended?

My Chemical Romance when they played Plymouth Pavilions, I must’ve been 14?

What three things can you NOT live without?

Music, oatly and chorus pedals.

If you could create your very own 'Super Festival', which three headline acts would you have? (they can be dead or alive)

Prince, The Pixies and Queen (with Freddie obviously). That would be the best time, you can’t argue with that songwriting.

By the time this interview feature goes out, Christmas will have been and gone, what did Santa bring you?

Many snacks, some vinyl, and some time to assume the form of a slug and actually stop for five minutes and spend time with my loved ones.

Any New Years Resolutions set for 2020?

I stopped setting myself up for yearly disappointment in myself many years ago!

Describe to me your perfect day....

A lie in, good coffee, a walk in our lovely Devon countryside, and a gig to play in the evening with all your mates.

You released a 5 track EP called 'Sharp Tongue' in 2019, are you looking to release new material in 2020?

I really hope so, we’re definitely cracking down on writing and have a few tracks in the bank, we just really wanna step it up this year.

Any festivals confirmed for 2020 yet?

We’re playing the Bad Sleep festival on April 25th at Exeter Phoenix and a bunch more; but they’re still secret for now!

What does music mean to you?

I’m sure this is an absolute common as hell answer, but it’s everything. All the great things happening in my life right now are because of music. Without it I would have no direction at all.

Lastly, there are hundreds of local bands in the Devon area, please tell me about a few that we should be checking out in 2020....

Keep an eye out for Okay Bye, Southwest Hotel, Wish Hounds and October Drift!

We’d like to thank Elli for sparing the time to chat to us and we look forward to checking out more music from Soot Sprite as 2020 progresses.

To keep up to date with the happenings of the band, click on the social media links below.





Interview by Steve Muscutt

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